Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [adj] approach to " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes we so devalue a physical approach to the world that we begin to devalue action itself .
2 It could involve a civil engineering student considering the social effects of a new construction — in other words , taking on a sociological perspective ; it could be a student of English trying to answer the question ‘ What is literature and why do we assume that it is a good thing ? ’ — and so embracing the thinking of moral philosophy ; it might be a student in the performing arts trying to understand how and why a particular tradition had evolved — so embarking on a historical study ; it could be a chemistry student being invited to consider the effects on the natural environment of industrial or agricultural chemicals — so adding a biological approach to the subject ; or it might be a social science student keen on human perspectives being encouraged to look at underlying statistical patterns .
3 In Chapter I , we emphasised that the discourse analyst necessarily takes a pragmatic approach to the study of language in use .
4 As somebody who is still under thirty and er like my good friend Mister young enough to have a positive approach to Europe , I am pleasantly surprised that the people opposite are gon na make my job a lot easier because the narrowness and the anti-diluvian attitudes that we see on the benches opposite explain why , in the last Euro elections , the Labour Party won a resounding victory on the issue of Europe .
5 As such it not only rejects the analytical approach to law as a form of sanctioned command or rule , unless sanction is taken to include the force of acceptable self-interest in the absence of humanly-contrived threats designed to alter behaviour .
6 But even before he became leader he was already promoting a new approach to social problems of the day .
7 Mrs Sweeting said her daughter , a receptionist at County Hall , in Chelmsford , has never complained about her illness and always adopted a positive approach to life .
8 In the past , Saucony has always had a low-key approach to cutting edge technology .
9 Charles remembered from working on The Strutters with him that George had always had an approximate approach to the text , relying , as did so many television actors , on a sort of paraphrase of the speeches which homed in on the right cue .
10 Later , in a chapter entitled ‘ The Application of Paint ’ it says that recent books on decoration have ‘ done more to debase the traditional approach to decoration than to further an appreciation of its subtleties ’ .
11 Cray still takes the simple approach to getting a good sound .
12 Nelson is emphatic about the frequent misconception that Berlioz is all bluster and little form , pointing out that a composer with roots in Gluck , Mozart , and to a certain extent Beethoven , would hardly take a disorganized approach to presenting his own musical ideas .
13 There was a long legacy of poor relationships between managers and clinicians , district and units , which hardly facilitated a corporate approach to the reforms .
14 Being unwritten , the constitution also encourages a piecemeal approach to politics ; an approach that gives little protection against a determined , authoritarian state .
15 On closer inspection this turned out to be the L'Chaim Society , a Jewish good-time gang which presumably also has a stout approach to Judaism .
16 They also adopted a different approach to that adopted by Lyell J , but they all came up with more or less the same figure at the end of the day , around £54,000 .
17 The Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) also took a rigorous approach to the original RIE recognition process .
18 In the event , it was May 1983 , a year later , before the issue was again put to the members and then in an appropriately revised form which took account of the above amendment , but also revised the overall approach to the issue , and which was probably the better for it .
19 A more realist approach had been advocated by Strahler ( 1952 ) and had the implication that not only would there be an approach to processes in terms of physical principles , but that this should also involve a similar approach to materials .
20 The branch also had an excellent approach to producing RSA leads and enjoyed good branch inspection , particularly in advances control and advances records .
21 They also have the well-defined approach to semantic processing and have led to theoretically clean and fairly efficient computational representations .
22 It could have broken him , particularly with the other hardships he has suffered , but he has now adopted a philosophical approach to his plight .
23 Clients will often appreciate a realistic approach to fee billing , and a break from the architects ' system of 75% at tender stage can assist cash flow .
24 But even given a generous approach to this construction , I find it impossible to attach the breadth of meaning to the word ‘ question ’ which the Attorney-General urges .
25 It 's marvellous to see the wide variety of bird feeders , pond liners , wildflower seeds , nest-boxes , butterfly border plants and other merchandise marketed in this way , and , of course , it 's to be encouraged in an industry which has for too long simply serviced the chemical-warfare approach to gardening .
26 Botany today comprises a multi-disciplinary approach to all aspects of plant science .
27 The present research will consider cognitive constraints that may arise from limitations in children 's capacities for monitoring their own success at a task and thereby employ a strategic approach to its mastery .
28 This facility allegedly commanded the strategic approaches to the Red Sea .
29 The Irish Prime Minister had evidently made a personal approach to his compatriot , the Chairman of United Motors , Tom O'Reilly , pleading for more American investment to help the ‘ auld counthrie ’ .
30 The survey of exfoliated cells in stool samples for mutated DNA or tumour cell products , or both , should theoretically provide an alterative approach to periodic colonscopy which would be more acceptable to both patient and clinician .
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