Example sentences of "[art] duty [to-vb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My right to the first move at chess carries with it the duty to continue with the game , and so on .
2 Many composers now crave the chance to write operas , but will they acknowledge the duty to communicate with the audience ?
3 Mr. Langley on behalf of the Bank of England submitted that the basis of the injunction was the relationship of confidence subsisting between the Bank and its customer , and that it was well established that the duty of confidence was overridden by the duty to comply with the law , as shown by Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte Taylor ( No. 2 ) [ 1989 ] 3 All E.R.
4 Lawfulness is clearly an issue in so far as one of the fundamental principles of the British , no less than most other constitutions , is that government action should take place under the authority of , and in accordance with law the narrow literal meaning of the rule of law — so that repeated unlawful actions or a perceived casualness towards the duty to comply with the law would in itself begin to raise doubts about the legitimacy of governmental action .
5 Under reg 10 of the Transfer Regulations , the vendor is under a duty to give recognised trade unions certain information about the business sale and the vendor is under a duty to consult with the unions if either the vendor or the purchaser envisages he will take " measures " in relation to the transfer .
6 The carrier is under a duty to comply with the seller 's instructions as to redelivery , although the seller must bear the expenses involved .
7 First he submitted that under section 6(2) the school owed a duty to comply with the applicants ' preference to educate their daughters at the school by admitting them unless that duty was disapplied by section 6(3) .
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