Example sentences of "[art] lot [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of his own interest in flying , Mr Tholen said : ‘ I was using air taxis a lot to go to the Continent when I was working at Billingham . ’
2 ‘ Not a lot to see in the hold of that ratty freighter , was there ? ’
3 Above : There 's a lot to see in the engine compartment , including two alternators to supply the 12v and 24v electrical systems .
4 The latter criteria obviously has a lot to do with the type of printer that you choose , but several notation programs give a printout that leaves much to be desired — even when the printer is a top of the range laser .
5 ‘ In the Thirties the Archbishop of Canterbury had a lot to do with the abdication .
6 A lot to do with the map .
7 Dr Sambataro felt very strongly about the decision to send troops to Russia ; he had a lot to do with the army in the course of his work .
8 The hot garlic butter sauce poured over the snails obviously has a lot to do with the success of the dish , but to those who say that that is all you taste I have always protested that the soft , salty flesh of the snail is very much part of the enjoyment .
9 ‘ Very often , at Ealing , the Director himself would think up ideas for films and would probably have a lot to do with the genesis of the scripts as well . ’
10 Although I 'm sure that has a lot to do with the way I listen , Louis Armstrong being this all-time winner and happy guy . ’
11 After reading this you will not be an expert on fusion science , but you will realise that fusions fluctuating fortunes have had a lot to do with the way in which the science and technology developed .
12 Our temperament has a lot to do with the way we naturally handle conflicts .
13 I 'm not using him as an excuse or anything , but I do feel he 's got a lot to do with the way my life 's been .
14 The role of England captain had a lot to do with the split .
15 It was a lot to do with the school I was at , and worrying about these other girls being prettier or cleverer than me .
16 Peter 's near-certainty had a little to do with intuition and a lot to do with the Letts School-Boy Diary for 1964 .
17 So far we have had a tremendous response which has a lot to do with the product — it 's brilliant and people ca n't go wrong with it . ’
18 I never had a lot to do with the pig 's head , but it did make lovely potted meat .
19 The limited range of drugs which are effective against cancer have been discovered by uninterrupted research in laboratories , often on subjects which have had little very obvious relevance to cancer , but a lot to do with the chemistry of living cells .
20 ‘ Dave Edmunds had a lot to do with the sound of the album coming over as both traditional and modern at the same time , ’ says Lee Rocker .
21 MacArthur is modestly surprised by all the praise and talk of awards that has greeted her recent performances : ‘ These roles have a lot to do with the reason I became an actress in the first place — I still think of my career as being about to begin ! ’
22 I am sure too , that this safety-first instinct has a lot to do with the fact that big bream are rarely caught from small bays , those semi-circular enclosures which are so appealing to the angler 's eye , and such deadly traps for the use of a pack of predators .
23 As Bryan points out , this has a lot to do with the fact that he 's doing two jobs …
24 Presumably it 's also a lot to do with isolation , a lot to do with the fact that there was no one to talk to about the sexual experiences you were having and the only surrounding attitude was one of , ‘ This is something which should n't happen ’ , whereas the situation when I had my first sexual experience was one where I knew other people who were gay whom I could talk to .
25 I think my commitment undoubtedly has a lot to do with the fact that we had to struggle and fight for everything we have .
26 The shop now caters for the mainstream market , but it was built upon bringing in exclusive trainers from Germany in the early Eighties , trainers that had nothing to do with America , but a lot to do with the nomad Scousers , and Wade Smith often supplemented his stock by buying from Liverpool ‘ entrepreneurs ’ with time on their hands to travel to Deutschland and acquire , by various methods , the much sought after , exclusive Adidas Trim-Trab .
27 I think it did have a lot to do with the status that being different conferred , for in spite of the austerity of our childhood , we believed that we were better than other people , the food we ate being a mark of this , because our mother told us so — so successfully that even now I have to work hard at actually seeing the deprivations .
28 WORKERS have good reason to dislike Mondays … but it 's got little to do with returning to work and a lot to do with the air-conditioning , a researcher said yesterday .
29 Understanding is not conveyed solely through clear diction but has a lot to do with the language used .
30 It 's got a lot to do with the melody but he sounds like he really means it .
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