Example sentences of "[art] past few [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For the past few hours she had been too busy to think of her own problem .
2 For the past few minutes she had not really been paying much attention to the direction and she looked round worriedly .
3 In the past year they have lost a bishop in a love-child affair but over the past few days they had more faith in prayer than in their politicians when it came to saving the Digital computer plant .
4 In the past few days they have detected a slide in that support .
5 For the past few days he had brought security into her child 's world of distorted perspectives and half comprehended fears .
6 Over the past few days he had fished a little with Burkett , been to Crosthwaite Church , laid a light siege to the maid Christine , cast out a few nightlines about the town and done a calculated amount of promenading .
7 ‘ I 'm very much up and down but the past few days I 've amazed myself .
8 ‘ And , while I appreciate your charitable intent in trying to comfort me for Lotta 's absence from my bed , I tell you once more that the time when I might have needed consolation for Lotta 's tricks has long since passed , and the fact that I 've chosen to live the life of a monk for the past six months is because until the past few days I have felt no desire to give in to the temptations paraded before me . ’
9 And over the past few days it had developed an infuriating habit of wandering unerringly back to the subject of Adam Burns .
10 Over the past few weeks they 'd been rubbing along fairly civilly , though not without the occasional spark flying between them .
11 Can I just ask you , in the past few weeks we 've all heard , and in fact I 've cited some figures in this programme , that , you know , people have been staying away .
12 And tragically , in the past few weeks we have seen the US and its Allies carry out over 44,000 sorties over a period of 20 days against the people of Iraq .
13 I guess that in referring to that issue in the past few weeks we have been guilty of understating the size of the problem .
14 erm from the evidence we 've looked at over the past few weeks you know I would say that
15 Over the past few weeks she had come to the conclusion that the person she would most like to share her home was quiet , devoted Jenny .
16 Over the past few weeks I have been dipping into the annual report — for last year — of the Medical Defence Union , an outfit that deals with legal claims against doctors for alleged incompetence , negligence and other failings .
17 OVER the past few weeks I have been attempting to assess the relative marketing merits of companies as diverse as theatre companies , electrical retailers and peat producers .
18 He 'd never had any particular fear of darkness , but over the past few weeks he seemed to have grown more and more nervous at night .
19 Over and over again in the past few weeks he has shown himself to be leading a rudderless , aimless Government .
20 One hesitates over publicising these things for fear of sparking imitations , but you 're going to read about it somewhere so it might as well be here — over the past few weeks it has become clear that setting up telescopes to watch people tapping their numbers into automatic teller machines and then scavenging for discarded receipts bearing the account number is a really outdated way of defrauding banks and their customers — these days , you set up a bogus teller machine of your own and record the card details as the customer keys in the number : in the latest instance , a gang in Manchester , Connecticut set up a mobile teller machine in the Buckland Hills Mall Associated Press reports , sabotaged the other machines in the shopping mall to encourage people to use it , and later wheeled the machine away and debriefed it on all its card secrets , using the data to make up counterfeit cards which were subsequently used to withdraw cash from the accounts in the New York area ; moral — stick to machines you know .
21 Over the past few months they have been told that their primary and community health care is awful ; now the government tells them that accident and emergency departments will shut , along with 2000-odd hospital beds , when their immediate evidence is that it is hard to get into hospital .
22 Over the past few months we 've been advising you to take all the hype about the death of the 386 with a generous pinch of salt .
23 Over the past few months we 've seen a far higher proportion of our own borrowers being first time buyers , okay at very low levels , but er a much higher proportion being first time buyers .
24 Sir , — In the past few months we have heard much regarding possible reforms in the working of parliament .
25 I am glad to report that in the past few months we have made real progress with the car manufacturers .
26 Over the past few months we have welcomed several new staff :
27 In the past few months it has become clear to Her Majesty that her own children have spectacularly failed in their duty to the Crown .
28 For the past few months it 's been more or less constantly at the limit — the £300,000 cheque put it unacceptably over . "
29 After reading some of the criticisms from readers in the past few months I felt that it was about time I wrote in .
30 Over the past few months I have noticed a slight decrease in the amount of information being sent for publication in Touchline .
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