Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to act in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem to follow from this analysis that the most appropriate content to ascribe to the duty to act in the interests of the shareholders is that the directors should attempt to maximise the present value of the company .
2 As the courts have not articulated more precisely the content of the duty to act in the interests of the company we will continue to describe directors as being under a duty to maximise profits .
3 To sum up , the duty to act in the interests of the company ( i.e. the shareholders ) imposes only a weak control on managerial discretion , since any plausible assertion that a course of action is designed to increase the company 's financial well-being will be enough to protect it from attack .
4 The previous chapter examined the effectiveness of the duty to act in the interests of the company in holding directors to the goal of profit maximisation against the background of the separation of ownership and control .
5 The problem with framing the duty to act in the company 's interests in terms of subjective intentions , however , is that in practice determining what the directors ' true objectives are will often be beyond the court 's capabilities .
6 Now the purpose of relying on a rights- based argument is frequently to claim an entitlement to act irrespective of the consequences for others , and so if the idea of rights is to be coherent we must accept that a freedom to act in the face of at least some adverse social outcomes is entailed .
7 The effect of the section on this first analysis is , therefore , despite its mandatory language , to give the directors a discretion to act in the interests of the employees where they consider it appropriate in preference to those of the shareholders ; they do not have a practicably enforceable obligation to further employee interests .
8 While an individual may have a duty to act in the defence of moral principles , the same can not apply to the state , since the state 's action has to be judged by a different criterion : that of national survival .
9 A duty to act in the interests of the entity or enterprise would therefore make sense if understood as a duty to benefit a range of corporate ‘ constituencies ’ , permitting the directors to balance the various interests as they see fit in the take-over or any other context .
10 ‘ The member shall ensure that a person is not appointed as a company representative of that member except on terms which impose on him a duty to act in the performance of his functions as a company representative in such a way as to comply with the code of conduct ; …
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