Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] was simply [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Any suggestion to the contrary was simply an excuse for the locals to feel self-important and settle a few scores with their neighbours .
2 He may well be a transvestite , but I ca n't help wondering whether the make-up was simply a blind to ‘ Prove ’ , as it were , that he 'd been to a party that night , in case anyone picked him up .
3 The question was simply a put-up job , Mueller having previously primed both Klepner and Muldoon .
4 It had been thought at one time that the restriction did not apply to an attack on members of a party as a whole , or where the motive was simply the provision of information and not the demoting of a candidate , but Luft adopts an extensive interpretation of the scope of the provision .
5 If this process was properly carried out as a matter of public law , then the consequential private law right of the plaintiff was simply a right to the accommodation which the council had decided to be suitable .
6 The specialities of the counter were overcooked pastries and undercooked rolls , and nobody was buying ; the place was simply a focus of life at this hour of night , in an area where nothing much else was happening .
7 But more careful observation showed that the behaviour was simply an imitation of the trainer 's actions , combined with an association of certain ‘ symbols ’ or shapes with particular things — nothing more than the association of the sight or shape of a banana plant with bananas , combined with a sequence of actions required to pluck the banana or to reach the location of the plant in the wild .
8 Having him there at the beginning was simply a stroke of luck so colossal that Henry 's natural pessimism was trying to turn it into a disaster .
9 Like many people , he believed controlling the spasticity was simply a matter of trying harder .
10 Duguit took the view that the state was simply an apparatus for performing certain functions .
11 Implicit in these works is the belief that national developments were unproblematically reflected at the local level , that the national was simply an aggregate of the local : ‘ There is a sense in which the achievements and failings of Labourism at the national level are mirrored at the local level , a sense in which constituency Labour parties are a microcosm of the national Labour Party ’ ( Forester 1976 p 71 ) .
12 In Roman law , a marriage was simply an agreement between two free parties .
13 Provided one remembered that a poll was simply a snapshot of voting intention at the time it was taken and that national polls should have a sample of at least 1,000 , one would not go far wrong .
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