Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb -s] a right to " in BNC.

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1 Regarding the involvement of others , besides teachers , we are unlikely to have a Swedish style debate in Parliament , despite the fact that the community has a right to it , and that curricular decision-making is a political act .
2 Surely , however , the public has a right to forward well intentioned concerns ?
3 If we reclassify companies as social enterprises such issues are then not only matters of legitimate public concern about which the public has a right to information , but also matters in which the state is entitled to intervene in order to safeguard the public interest and to ensure compliance with publicly acceptable ethical standards .
4 The study investigated children in care whose social workers wanted to find homes with substitute families for them , taking as two basic assumptions that every child has a right to a family of his [ or her ] own , and that adoption and fostering are not completely separate categories but have a considerable area of overlap .
5 Shearer also sees the centre as ‘ working towards our own version of the Children 's Charter — every child has a right to be able to breathe properly .
6 Every child has a right to the best education and every parent should be confident that their child gets the best start in life .
7 But you can argue that a woman has a right to the use that she makes of her own body .
8 3 Every resident has a right to be independent
9 Rollin writes : ‘ An animal has a right to the kind of life that its nature dictates … .
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