Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The new ‘ option ’ teaching gives each student the opportunity to study a particular area of interest in depth , and may well influence their final career choice .
2 On the other hand , the great majority reckoned that they themselves had taken the decision to use a particular type of credit ( regardless of whether or not they had seriously considered any other type too ) .
3 But to say that my experience is ‘ experience of God ’ is to move beyond the experience to give a particular interpretation of it .
4 For example , choices may be driven by a search strategy with the user seeking a particular item of information or instead may be an unstructured , browsing investigation , as much a reflection of the user 's curiosity as a desire to locate anything particular .
5 Until recently , it has not been possible to use the Census to follow a particular group of people through their lives ( but see Fox and Goldblatt above ) , but it is perfectly feasible to study the changing population structure of , say , a particular district .
6 If the applicant requests a particular method of service ( which in practice is seldom done ) 77 that request will be complied with unless to do so would be incompatible with the law of the country of destination .
7 The department retains a particular strength in the theology of the Reformed tradition , but both staff and student body are quite ecumenical in composition .
8 Never assume that the defendant had a particular state of mind unless the question states that he had it .
9 Let the observed yield from the plot receiving a particular treatment combination be denoted by the corresponding small letter(s) .
10 Each company sells clothes which have a clear identity allowing the wearer to convey a particular image to the outside world .
11 For example , in 1985 the Council adopted a particular Directive by a qualified majority ; the UK voted against it .
12 One of the requirements of that particular council guides to the Chief Officers was that , they should bring before the councils a statement that Treasury Management policy and arrangements and that , in fact , was done in the autumn of ninety-two , and the council adopted a particular statement which reflected its circumstances at the time , erm , and the then policy .
13 The consultant recommended a particular system which was installed in 1978 .
14 Earlier , it was noted that the law prohibits a particular category of person , called an insider , from dealing on the basis of unpublished price sensitive information if he does so with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
15 The Act represents a particular view both of the nature of learning and schools as organisations .
16 Some actions which benefit others come from the desire just to benefit that particular person , while others flow from some more general disposition , while the desire to benefit a particular person or group may be accompanied by a variety of other desires , for instance to extract goodwill from them , or the possibility of a reward .
17 The point has a particular relevance to the work of those who believe , like Foucault , following Nietzsche , that truth is a mere rhetorical device , employed in the interests of oppression , and say so at length .
18 It has been claimed by some writers that distinctive feature analysis is not irrelevant to the study of language learning , and that pronunciation difficulties experienced by learners are better seen as due to the need to learn a particular feature or combination of features than as the absence of particular phonemes .
19 Difficulty had been experienced in making the previous law work , because it depended on the need to prove a particular act of distribution , not to members of a club or association of which the defendant himself was a member .
20 The former is one based on the career needs of the individual , and refers to the need to achieve a particular level ( passing an exam or reading technical material in that language ) , and the latter occurs when the learner seeks to identify with the culture and become part of it .
21 By respecting these freedoms , the law upholds the right to choose a particular way of life .
22 The conflict over the future of Northern Ireland thus draws our attention to a rather neglected question in discussion of democracy : what is the group that has the right to decide a particular policy or issue , by a majority vote if necessary ?
23 The Church Commissioners have the right to declare a particular use as being unsuitable , and the Advisory Board is required to approve or withhold approval of the proposed adaptation .
24 Treaty could not be interpreted as ipso facto sweeping away the principal criterion applied by international law and by all the member states for the grant of the right to fly a particular flag .
25 Finances were never discussed unless a user requested that the group buy a particular item .
26 One limitation of these studies , however , is that while they demonstrate the capacities of the dolphin to develop a particular kind of human-derived language ability under the influence of humans , we are still pretty ignorant about the existence of any natural language among dolphin species , although their communication with each other is clearly complex and elaborate .
27 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
28 Before the patient leaves the physiotherapist uses a particular technique which helps work through the big sobs that so often follow crying , believing that the crying has used up oxygen and big sobs restore balance .
29 In In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 , 48 , he said : ‘ neither the court in wardship proceedings , nor , I think , a local authority having care and control of the baby is able to require the authority to follow a particular course of treatment .
30 And then even within two of you mentioned the European Commission , now the Commission is of course a part of what 's nown now known as the European Union erm it 's a particular branch but even within the broader framework , parts can play an important role erm within international affairs and the Commission has a particular role , not just within the European Union , but of course in international affairs generally .
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