Example sentences of "[art] [noun] at the present time " in BNC.

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1 With the current cuts in housing expenditure , however , very few tenants are likely to be rehoused from the lists at the present time .
2 One can show this by considering a very different state for the universe at the present time , say , a very lumpy and irregular one .
3 And in fact the evidence suggests I that in the three years remaining till ninety six , it is most unlikely that those twenty five thousand dwellings will be developed , given the alteration at the present time .
4 Well , no security is one hundred per cent , it 's impossible to make any area completely secure , but it 's as tight as it possibly can be and I 'm quite happy with the security at the present time .
5 1.6 This allowance is based upon staff who are at the top of the grade at the present time and translates into the following :
6 As was stated above , 51.5 per cent of the population at the present time have purchased their own housing , 28.5 per cent with mortgages ( CSO , 1979 ) .
7 There is a shortfall on the membership at the present time MAINLY due to the closure of some of our SPECIAL NEEDS groups .
8 Anyone looking back just five years to 1984 , when there were no Scots in the Curtis Cup side , and 1986 , when there was just Belle Robertson , can not but be struck by the healthy state of the game North of the Border at the present time .
9 In the UK at the present time ( 1988 ) the balance of trade deficit has increased from £10.2 billion in 1987 to almost £20 billion in 1988 .
10 The most economically prosperous parts of the UK at the present time are widely regarded as the towns and cities located on a broad axis extending from Cambridgeshire to Dorset and Avon .
11 A reform of nurse education as outlined in Project 2000 would overcome many of the frustrations felt within the profession at the present time ( 1 ) .
12 It is in yachtsmen 's best interests that some flexibility is permitted now , otherwise all the wide and diverse skills that prevail on the Hamble at the present time will gradually disappear .
13 Last week , the Physiological Society decided that it would not pursue the matter at the present time , and would accept the foundation 's argument .
14 As pointed out by the collector and historian van Mander writing in 1604 , ‘ Whoever so desires nowadays has only to go to Prague to the greatest art patron in the world at the present time ; there he may see at the Imperial residence a remarkable number of outstanding and precious , curious , unusual , and priceless works . ’
15 In 1978 , it was estimated at 3.4% and various population planning agencies have therefore targeted the country for their attention.2 They argue that disproportionate population growth lies at the root of the social and economic problems confronting the country at the present time :
16 Of course , the Planck energy is a very long way from the energies of around a hundred GeV , which are the most that we can produce in the laboratory at the present time .
17 Finally , important solution forms are to be found in the Red Sea , a region of such aridity that the possibility of fresh water playing a part at the present time can be ignored .
18 Rejecting a suggestion from Zambia 's President Kenneth Kaunda that the ANC should suspend its armed struggle in order to encourage further reforms on the part of the Pretoria government , Mandela said the ANC would make no concessions at the present time .
19 The submissions made to your Lordships on the basis of the history of eleemosynary corporations do not seem to me to justify the drawing of such a distinction at the present time once it is accepted that certiorari can be available ( as in Thomas ) on some grounds .
20 Erm we perceive no need at the present time for such an exception and the borough council seem to have accepted that .
21 ‘ At a general meeting held in Edinburgh today solicitors representing the fourteen Property Centres throughout Scotland agreed that contrary to recent statements in the Press there is no insurmountable difficulty in getting mortgages for clients who wish to purchase a house at the present time . ’
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