Example sentences of "[art] [noun] lead to [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Delaney moved forward , keeping to the side of the superstructure , intent on the stairway leading to the next deck , and finally the bridge .
2 Extensive searches revealed a series of tyre marks along the fairway leading to the 15th and there are fears that Sir Vivien , reputed to be one of the seventeen richest men in the country , may have been kidnapped and held to ransom . ’
3 This comprises a shower room and WC , a dry-goods store , a larder , the passage leading to the third bedroom and the kitchen .
4 Whereas the railways in the past had been an integral part of the cityscape , running down main streets , leaving in their wake a succession of railroad crossings on the classic American street grid plan , by the turn of the century they were already disappearing behind fences , into cuttings , or underground , a process which was to be speeded up in the years leading to the First World War .
5 The thaw in US-Soviet relations and the unwillingness of both super-powers to prolong the war led to the first publicly acknowledged round of talks between Najibullah and sections of the mujaheddin alliance in November [ see p. 37855 ] .
6 The emergence of task-oriented behaviour in the group leads to a second pattern of behaviour — the socio-emotional or maintenance behaviour .
7 There was no lino covering on the stairs leading to the second floor .
8 A switchback rush as the path dipped down from the field and then up into the wood , and she was again whizzing towards the gate leading to the next field .
9 Each of these weeks has its own theme , rather like a signpost leading to the next part of the route .
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