Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] signs [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If , using this enhanced image , the computer detects signs of cancer , a patient can be recommended for bronchoscopy to determine exactly where the tumour is .
2 By then I was on my feet and I could see her face , the cheeks marked by the slaps he had given her , the eyes showing signs of intelligence again .
3 Finally , if the fish shows signs of distress , is not feeding , or none of the above treatments shown any signs of working , the kindest thing is to painlessly destroy it .
4 Some of the bodies showed signs of torture and in many cases personal documents had been removed to prevent identification .
5 The rhythmic spontaneous contractions in the upper oesophagus may also have been related to acid gastro-oesophageal reflux , because sometimes the contraction sequences were preceded by increased oesophageal baseline pressure ( due to a common cavity phenomenon or inadequate clearance of the swallowed bolus ) ; moreover half of the patients had signs of reflux oesophagitis .
6 Similarly , 47 per cent of the postcrania showed signs of digestion in the nest assemblage compared with 40 per cent in the adult pellets .
7 It is humiliating to be left and gratifying when the leaver shows signs of repentance and regret .
8 These validity studies compared clinical opinion as to whether a respondent showed signs of dementia with their score upon the scale .
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