Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [art] teachers ' " in BNC.

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1 she got the forms from the teachers ' training college at er , at Shipley near er near where we were
2 The main feature of this discourse was that George 's needs were conceptualised within the framework of the teachers ' perceptions of their own needs : in particular the threat George was seen as presenting to order and discipline within the school .
3 This demonstration was the first independent action on the part of a teachers ' association ; previously , they had been government controlled .
4 I supported it partly on the recommendation of the warden of the teachers ' centre and partly because I felt that they needed something positive because of the merger .
5 The Annual Christmas Concert took place in the hall of the Teachers ' Training College at Barnards Cross .
6 These undermined " the dominant educational ideology and the legitimacy of the teachers ' authority both at classroom and national levels " ( Dale et al.
7 Here they are directed at the benefit of the teachers ' own understanding of their craft .
8 A national system of appraisal might also encourage the teacher unions to unite in a demand for the establishment of a Teachers ' Council which could be made responsible for regulating entry to teaching and for establishing a code of conduct ( particularly important when teachers are able , in appraisal schemes , to judge their colleagues ) .
9 … neglect of the occupational culture of teachers … has led us to underestimate the significance of the teachers ' culture as a medium through which many innovations and reforms must pass ; yet in that passage they frequently become shaped , transformed or resisted in ways that were unintended and unanticipated .
10 In each of the past two years , Parliament has approved continuation orders extending the life of the Teachers ' Pay and Conditions Act 1987 .
11 Once or twice during the Course he would make an excuse to come to collect something or other , and I think he enjoyed seeing some of the results of the teachers ' acquaintance with the displays .
12 This approach became part of the negotiations with the teachers ' unions , who did not in principle object to appraisal , but wanted to ensure that they obtained good conditions of service and an adequate pay increase before agreeing to it .
13 In Hunan on the night of 8 October , students marched to the provincial party headquarters to register their complaints about the handling of the elections at the Teachers ' College .
14 We supported the introduction of the Teachers ' Pay Review Body and believe it will ensure that teachers are properly rewarded .
15 Attention has quite justifiably been drawn to the fact that we have not had anything in the way of a Teachers ' Forum for some years .
16 Shake-up : The Royal Shakespeare Company launched the Cleveland Schools Shakespeare Year at the weekend with a teachers ' workshop .
17 It was enhanced both by fusion of the School with the teachers ' personal circle and by the remarkable resource of Morris 's last and finest garden .
18 During the time of the teachers ' strikes the absence of all these extra-curricular elements of school was regretted as keenly , both by pupils and teachers , as the academic disruption .
19 And Joseph Fernandez 's old job has other complications : being second-guessed continuously by an unelected board of education that puts its small moral agenda above all else , sabotaged by the remains of corrupt school boards , starved of federal money and unable to settle on a contract with the teachers ' union .
20 an accident to a pupil ( including children ) as a result of the teachers ' negligence .
21 A vice-principal of a teachers ' university probably spoke on behalf of many party members in positions of responsibility when he said that some young comrades lacked the ‘ backbone of Marxism-Leninism ’ , especially those studying liberal arts subjects .
22 That quality , at least initially when combined with other innovation being imposed on the school system , is likely to lead to a distraction of the teachers ' time from the sort of effortless teaching strategies , hard won over decades , as they are drawn into the steep learning curve of the unfamiliar new language of the National Curriculum and its assessment .
23 As priyayi he obtained an education in a Teachers ' Training School and was sent off to the little island of Bali .
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