Example sentences of "[prep] relation to [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some students felt they had been rather hard pressed in relation to their knowledge of chemistry , but Coleman rightly said that a properly educated gentleman could be expected to understand the general principles and applications of chemical science .
2 In this respect , I have drawn evidence from case studies of two women teachers in a Roman Catholic comprehensive school to illustrate the way in which gender , religion and feminism interact with each other not only in relation to their appointments but also in relation to their work with pupils .
3 if I can er start first of all with the pleadings bundle and with the statement of claim which erm er sets out all the er upon which the plaintiffs and your Lordship will see from paragraph one that this claims relate to the purchase by the plaintiff of a lease of a restaurant and wine bar business at and er it is alleged that the defendants were retained by the plaintiffs to advise them in relation to that transaction in early September of nineteen eighty five and that the contract between them er contained the usual implied required for the defendant to exercise or deal with the proper and care in relation to their conduct of the transaction and er to the advice given to the plaintiffs throughout .
4 Are these variations personal and idiosyncratic , or does people 's experience vary more systematically in relation to their position in the social and economic structure ?
5 If the latter then perhaps we are seeing a reduction in the distrust women have for the police in relation to their handling of rape , or maybe the greater ability of women to withstand the trauma of carrying through a complaint of rape .
6 claiming for damages for breach of contract and your negligence against their former solicitors in relation to their handling of the purchase of a business by the plaintiff in late nineteen eighty five but all the say is on the nineteenth of October of nineteen eighty nine er my Lord the matter is complex .
7 Speaking of this phenomenon in relation to her choice of Titian 's ‘ Bacchus and Ariadne ’ , Riley explained : ‘ By plastic I mean that which hangs between the cognitive reading of an image and its perception .
8 So all we have to do is to tell the Governor-General of Canada to behave in relation to his local Parliament exactly as our monarch at home behaves in relation to her Parliament of the United Kingdom . ’
9 He met her incredulous stare blandly , for all the world as if he had no recollection whatsoever of bringing her the Palmer & Pearson file outside the office , of discussing the Norwood & Chambers contract outside the office , of his threats in relation to her job outside the office .
10 The wording of the various statutes in these areas is often quite difficult to interpret , while the changing climate of public opinion concerning sex makes application of the law a necessarily fluid matter in relation to its implication under changing circumstances .
11 Joanne was quite happy with the way she was teaching until the GCSE began to be talked about , particularly in relation to its emphasis on investigative work and school-based assessment .
12 Nevertheless , by 1935 , the definitively Stalinised Comintern and its network of party faithful comprised the main organisational basis of Marxism in Latin America , and therefore provided a vital touchstone for all other sectors of the Left , which were forced to define themselves in relation to its characterisation of the Latin American revolution .
13 Any change in the vulnerable elderly person 's capacity to cope with daily living should be considered in relation to his/her place in the family network , and the capacity of that network to respond to the change .
14 In relation to my experience in the so called western feminist movement , I really feel that race and class is a major impediment to the unity of even us women operating in this country .
15 I started to meditate on that verse in relation to my argument with my colleague .
16 So what have you discovered about your own story in relation to your experience of conflict ?
17 In relation to his work with tiny seedlings , he found that the electrical field around a sprout was not the shape of the original seed but resembled the adult plant , indicating that any developing organism is destined to follow a prescribed pattern of growth generated by the individual EM field of the organism .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a statement on the discussions which the Lord Advocate has had with representatives of the German Government and the Bundeskriminalamt about the alleged use by Libyans or the Libyan People 's Bureau of premises in East Berlin in relation to his inquiry into the Lockerbie bombing .
19 Our chastity , indeed our whole life , only makes sense in relation to our love to God …
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