Example sentences of "[prep] simply [verb] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What it recommended , instead of simply pursuing the diet/cholesterol link , was a trial to control cholesterol , blood pressure and smoking all at once .
2 This was preferred to the normal process of simply making the hair greyer , and the stars did not like the set of wigs that was originally intended to be used .
3 Three of these types depend on input from the organ of the same side , another responds to stimuli received by both sides , while a third type is unusual in simply measuring the repetition rate of the sound pattern .
4 If the level of this is set too high , there may be an adjuster which controls it , or you may be able to simply bend the float arm down to the correct level .
5 In the Windows version of Messages a totally realistic message form appears on-screen at the touch of a hot-key , or have it hovering in the wings by simply adding the Messages Icon to the Windows Start-Up Group .
6 But attackers have hijacked cars waiting at traffic lights and road junctions by simply opening the passenger door , jumping in and forcing the driver to a more deserted area .
7 Labov , by simply altering the test situation , such as by creating informality or having two youths to one researcher etc. , came up with far ‘ better ’ results for clever youths who had been labelled ESN ( educationally subnormal ) by the conventional system .
8 The hon. Gentleman has acknowledged , indeed it is in his report , that , by simply increasing the income support rate , all that we do is cause the fees to rise behind it .
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