Example sentences of "[prep] order [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A weighted mean of all the scaled images is then calculated , with the weighting factor being selected in order to bias against the presence of any abnormalities .
2 She accepted a glass of water and for the first time looked round in order to take in the room and the people before her .
3 In order to join in the atmosphere of controversy , explicit justifications or criticisms must be made .
4 In terms of the user interface , we have an X emulator and controller , XEC as we fondly know it by , erm in order to talk to the user through the users desktop device .
5 On Nov. 12 Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis proposed a reorganization of the government in order to move toward the formation of a Cabinet of ministers .
6 There is now a general awareness of the desirability of providing accurate and well-maintained inventories of the holdings of all major publicly funded institutions in order to guard against the loss of objects .
7 But the 1979 limit represented the highest possible number of children for a school — higher than was desirable , since it was imposed in order to deal with the rise in the birth-rate of the mid-1960s .
8 In order to deal with the problem of an assembler of a finished product , s1(2) allows the consumer to treat any party in the chain of distribution as the producer , unless the latter can identify his supplier .
9 In order to deal with the problem of means , the government says , we provide housing benefits and the subsidy , this is the government speaking , the subsidy goes into the demand , it goes into benefit there 'll be no subsidy left if the government has its way on the supply side .
10 In order to deal with the control of Non-Domestic Rates and Service Accounts 3 posts and staff will be transferred from the Non-Domestic Rates and Service Accounts Sections for this purpose , pending a review of the Control Section .
11 If the Policyholder was unaware of the faulty roof or did not have reasonable time in which to carry out repairs , then it is in order to deal with the claim for the damage to the internal decorations and/or contents but not the repairs to the roof , which the Policyholder should have carried out as soon as possible .
12 All small mammal concentrations in the fossil record must be regarded as potential predator assemblages , and the activities of predators must be investigated in order to allow for the predator biases inevitably present in the faunas .
13 A good example of this is the requirement to produce disaggregated operating statements , in order to report on the performance of different sectors of a given industry .
14 In November of the same year he talked on " The Idiom of Modern Verse " to the Cambridge English Club , where he had for one auditor the appearance of " a very shy , neurotic man " 32 In 1937 he gave an address to the Friends of Rochester Cathedral on religious drama , and lectured on Shakespeare at Edinburgh University he told Lawrence Durrell , however , that he seemed to have spoken about what he himself was interested in doing in the theatre and not about Shakespeare at all.In April 1938 he travelled to Lisbon in order to sit on the jury for the Camoens Prize ; when he came back , he had to address the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral on the poetry of George Herbert and then , two months later , talk on " The Future of Poetic Drama " at an International Theatre Congress in Stratford-upon-Avon .
15 I moved a pair of cotton slacks , a brasaière , a housecoat , a page of a letter in finnish , a jar of Pond 's cold cream , some roll-on deodorant and a half-full cup of cold coffee in order to sit on the basketwork chair .
16 Football has done it its best in order to cope with the problem inside the grounds .
17 The flow was so great that the authorities closed the border on Aug. 22-23 in order to cope with the backlog .
18 Instead , having conducted a further searching examination , he set me to the cataloguing of the little rituals , those magical forms of thought that I myself had developed in order to cope with the stress of eidesis .
19 In order to cope with the workload allocated to me I have the help of two Assistant Solicitors .
20 This lesson had been reinforced as far as the railways were concerned each spring from 1918 to 1920 , when urgent orders went out from the highest level to rehabilitate them in order to cope with the influx of vital foodstuffs and fuel to the towns .
21 In order to seal off the source of nutrition it is necessary for the activated lymphocytes to gather round the blood vessels once they have used up the local resources .
22 He passed a year at the new University of Marburg , whose ruler favoured the Reformation and where , in order to proceed to the translation of the Old Testament , Tyndale studied Hebrew , which was not then taught in Oxford or Cambridge .
23 It is like a leap into the past in order to emerge into the future .
24 This value was compared with recall values for early serial positions in order to test for the primacy effect .
25 We do not have to subscribe to a version of history which sees it simply in terms of a struggle between virtue and vice , nor do we have to believe that all adolescents were intelligent and admirable , in order to argue for the repression of young people , if only in terms of debilitating images .
26 It is not clear what conditions must hold in order to decide upon the word 's identity .
27 Oil industry users demand the highest accuracy in magnetic reference , and have contracted BGS to study methods of modelling these phenomena in order to improve upon the field estimates provided by global models .
28 Labour 's new environment spokesman , Mr Bryan Gould , attacked the price of shares in the water privatisation , saying it showed that the Government was prepared to accept on behalf of the taxpayer a loss of at least £1.3 billion in order to sell off the water industry .
29 Without this no one seems satisfied : the farmer can not farm efficiently ; the environmentalist is despondent about the blighted landscape ; and the nearby urban population is not allowed the freedom it would wish in order to relax in the countryside .
30 We will be promoting debate on Charity Law issues , and on how voluntary organisations should organise and manage themselves in order to respond to the contract culture , which is being created by changes in the organisation of Community Care , the N H S , the role of local authorities , and other fields .
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