Example sentences of "[prep] so far as it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He himself emphasized his concern to record the good and bad that was being done in his own day , especially in so far as it concerned the Church , and he noted among the principal actors , kings , catholics and heretics .
2 In so far as it justified the oracle , the story of Herodotus was first broadcast from Delphi .
3 The literary tradition is valued in so far as it offers a critical evaluation of this transformation and its consequences .
4 Product market signals can , however , be amplified by linking management remuneration to company performance , and thus while the market may be largely ineffective in so far as it offers threats , it can be made to function better by providing incentives .
5 It does , however , link the law to the idea of harm and this is valuable in so far as it reduces the risk that boisterous behaviour , or other non-violent activity , can by itself amount to a breach of the peace .
6 Genuine republican feeling , in so far as it existed at all in the major States , was a nostalgia or very occasionally an aspiration , never a programme .
7 I find that an extraordinary statement of policy , because I had always believed that , in so far as it had any justification at all , the Labour party 's commitment to unilateralism , to the closure of bases , to the withdrawal from NATO , was based on a principle — on a deeply held conviction that those things were wrong .
8 But this was a ‘ bourgeois ’ phenomenon only in so far as it reflected the hegemony of bourgeois respectability .
9 As strategic proposals emerge , each subsystem will evaluate them against developments in other subsystems , in so far as it perceives them to affect it too .
10 Of the three gradation schemes under discussion , the Canadian is the simplest in so far as it creates only three degrees of offence .
11 To the Sufi the divine is in all things and manifested to the seer , and it is this divine attribute that he sees and which is transferred to the work of the poet and the mystic ; and that work is authentic in so far as it depicts faithfully the himma or emotional part of the event .
12 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
13 The epitaph upon the old Forest system was finally written in the Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act of 1971 , which abolished the sovereign 's prerogative right to wild creatures ( except royal fish and swans ) , and abrogated the Forest law , except in so far as it relates to the appointment and functions of verderers .
14 It therefore follows , in our judgment , that although this has gone unnoticed for 119 years , the jurisdiction of the judges as visitors , in so far as it relates to questions as to the fitness of persons to become or remain barristers , is a jurisdiction which in 1873 was vested in the judges of the three common law courts , sitting elsewhere than in court or chambers , when acting as judges , in pursuance of custom .
15 In fact , another species of bee that communicates about food sources ( Apis florica ) does so in the same way except in so far as it wiggles in the horizontal rather than the vertical plane , and so can indicate directly the angle of the food source from the sun .
16 In so far as it distinguished between night and day , it was active at night .
17 The emperor 's approach is to adhere to that principle and hold the trust to be valid in so far as it does not conflict with it : that is , as far as the daughter benefited under her father 's will .
18 It goes in the right direction in so far as it does aim to re to continue to reduction in migration , but it does n't go far enough .
19 Nevertheless , in so far as it addressed the complex issue of home-school relationships in multi-ethnic contexts , it was an important initiative which deserves to be extended in some form .
20 However , our basic model may be criticized in advance of this discussion in so far as it ignores the monetary effects of fiscal decisions and so may overstate the case in favour of macroeconomic management through this route .
21 The Consolidation Act provides that any clause in an agreement is void in so far as it purports :
22 Section 296A(1) also makes any term or condition in an agreement void in so far as it purports to prohibit or restrict the use of any device or means to observe , study or test the functioning of a computer program in order to understand the ideas and principles underlying any element of the program .
23 For this reason EC Directives in the 1960s provided for the repeal of such legislation ( in so far as it affected nationals of member states ) as the requirement of West German law that foreign companies wishing to pursue business activities in West Germany must obtain special authorisation from the West German authorities .
24 And none of this would matter Chairman I do n't think er whether E two whether E two was in or out of the structure plan only matters in so far as it bears a part of the making of local plans and the making of planning applications in the county .
25 In so far as it reached out beyond the rather eccentric sect of the Comtist ‘ Religion of Humanity ’ , positivism became little more than a philosophical justification of the conventional method of the experimental sciences , and similarly for most contemporaries Mill was , again in the words of Taine , the man who had opened up ‘ the good old road of induction and experiment ’ .
26 Next , it will support the claim that corporate power is justifiable only in so far as it promotes the public interest , and accordingly that society is entitled to demand that company policies serve that interest .
27 The tolerance of adults is important only in so far as it allows them to feed high on the shore , exposed to rain .
28 Meanwhile , on 20 July , at the request of the applicant 's solicitors , Price had sworn an affidavit repudiating his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant .
29 Price was then called to give evidence in person on behalf of the applicant , and he again repudiated his evidence before the Swedish court in so far as it implicated the applicant , on the ground that his evidence had been obtained by pressure exerted upon him by officers of the Swedish and Norwegian police .
30 However , as I have recorded , Price gave evidence before the magistrate in the course of which he retracted his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant .
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