Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] at the front " in BNC.

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1 Now these houses were of the kind that when you walk in through the door at the front you go into a l sitting room , through the next door is what can be a kitchen cum living room , and the staircase is n't immediately obvious but what it is is it 's a door that looks like a cupboard .
2 Burning straw was the best fun — it was poked through the grill at the front of the grate and , when it caught fire , smoke would stream out of the other end .
3 So you 're gon na have , you 're gon na have get rid of the lawn at the front then effectively ?
4 On the other side of the road at the front of the house a builders ' skip was full to the brim .
5 Middleton One Row Planning application : S Gardner of Middleton St George has applied to Darlington Borough Council for planning permission to allow work to alter the appearance of the chapel at The Front .
6 Part of the guttering at the front of the cottage was blown away .
7 He played his best shot of the round , a long , low 3-wood , which landed short of the slope at the front of the platform green and ran up level with the flag .
8 We even arrived at the ground nice and early to be assured of the prestigious place leaning against the fence at the front .
9 He came into the road at the front , breath bursting in his lungs , consciousness ebbing from his mind as the blood ebbed from his wounded shoulder .
10 ‘ Let's have it in the sitting-room , ’ Miss Honey said , picking up the tray and leading the way out of the kitchen and down the dark little tunnel into the room at the front .
11 She was surprised to see that he had the green flashing lights of a doctor set into the fairing at the front of the bike , and a siren that almost deafened her .
12 Mrs Padmore , as we know from the memorandum at the front of the file , is going to be transferring to the Economic Secretariat in a few weeks ' time .
13 She dragged the bicycle from the shed , placed the bag and the towelling , a little insecurely , in the basket at the front and somehow managed to throw her leg , encumbered by her heavy skirts , over the high framework , so different from the shape of the one on which Papa had taught her to ride .
14 Work within your marks , leave a small lump in the middle at the front and go as deep as you feel is necessary .
15 It 's in the front er it 's , it 's in the back at the front , I 've got the
16 The parents were periodically leaving the eggs and picking in the gravel at the front of the tank .
17 Dierdrie stuck the feather in the band at the front and squinted at herself .
18 In the area at the front of the skull are connecting sacs which enable the dolphin to cut off one or all of the four high-frequency signals which may be in operation .
19 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
20 She refused the cold remains of the fish and chips , so he took the whole package out to the dustbin at the front of the house ( no need to worry her about the Sweet murder if she did n't know — and it appeared she did n't ) .
21 Maryse Leclair is giving a presentation with two others on the lectern at the front of the class .
22 Just on the floor at the front here , would you people just pick up one or two of the things that you have in front of you and hold them up above above your heads please .
23 Pakeezah Begum took the plastic stamp , wetted it on the ink-pad and firmly stamped the return-by date on the leaf at the front .
24 He was also a man of short stature ; he would have to climb on the beam at the front of the door to push the bolt home .
25 He was perched on the seat at the front of his open cart — the sides of which declared in now weatherbeaten letters ‘ JAS .
26 Well she went she 'd left him with their baggages on the seat at the front of the shop
27 Moreover , mothers may have encouraged children to play on the road surface where they could be seen from the kitchen window instead of on the grass at the front where they could not .
28 One was on the bench at the front , another atop the tarpaulin over the hold .
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