Example sentences of "[prep] be associated with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All four groups have generated public concern about lack of adequate support in the community , while research efforts have repeatedly reported that survival in the community appears to be associated with the existence of structured plans for after-care , frequency of contact with professionals and access to appropriate facilities ( Acres , 1975 ; Davis et al. , 1984 ; Thornicroft , 1989 ) .
2 In February Old Kewlany had intersected a two inch vein in Fleming 's Level — a quartz string believed to be associated with the vein ahead .
3 One of the two patients was of British origin without any known Sephardic or central European ancestry , which has been reported to be associated with the mutation at codon 200 .
4 As minister responsible for the economy in Northern Ireland , I am delighted to be associated with the publication of ‘ Guide to Exporting . ’
5 Economies of scale are also a feature likely to be associated with the struggle for market share .
6 This seems to be associated with the development of lipoproteic particles and the resultant material , unlike the ordinary hyphae , are edible .
7 The name of the LIFESPAN user to be associated with the DC .
8 These coins can be dated no more closely than the late 750s or early 760s , but they are possibly to be associated with the disintegration of Aethelbald 's imperium in southern England following his death .
9 What is perhaps even more remarkable , given postwar wisdom about the unparalleled nature of postwar youth cultures , is that the youth style that came to be associated with the London Hooligans was a nationwide phenomenon .
10 A lack of social support at the first interview was found to be associated with the presence of psychiatric symptoms ( GHQ scores ) at the second interview among those who had initially been well ( GHQ score less than 4 ) .
11 The chain continued , as quality of parenting was also found to be associated with the presence or absence of a supportive marital relationship , and whether or not the spouse also showed psychosocial problems .
12 ‘ Bob Dragon , ’ or Dreghorn , the ugliest man in Scotland , was also thought to be associated with the Resurrectionists .
13 The Coulson Chair was established in the knowledge that Theoretical Chemistry was making significant contributions to Physical , Organic , and Inorganic Chemistry besides becoming an established field in its own right , and it was envisaged that the professor might choose to be associated with the work of any of the laboratories .
14 Moreover , if the Withington mosaic is to be associated with the work of this group ( at the integral level ) it must be as a parallel or subsequent development .
15 In fact , although frequency of the forms correlated with age , sex and educational differences between speakers , different modal meanings appeared also to be associated with the verb forms as follows : imperfect subjunctive/ [ UNREAL ] ; conditional/ [ POSSIBLE ] ; present/indicative/ [ FACTUAL ] .
16 Monopoly came to be associated with the firm and thus , most unfortunately , with the entrepreneur .
17 In the north temperate zone , the latitudinal range of fruiting season seems to be associated with the arrival of the southward-shifting , migratory , frugivorous birds such as thrushes .
18 I would like to be associated with the movement because I believe strongly in it .
19 When negotiations with Honorius failed to bring rewards Athaulf showed both his anger and his desire to be associated with the Empire by marrying the emperor 's sister , Galla Placidia , who had been a captive since 410 .
20 However , because I believed that much of this increased protein synthesis was likely to be associated with the production of new synapses , or the modification of old ones , it was important to look not at proteins in general but at synaptic membrane proteins in particular .
21 The name of the product package to be associated with the Product .
22 The name of the product package to be associated with the Product .
23 A pattern of trouble quickly came to be associated with the street gangs .
24 This would involve past players and others who would want to be associated with the club 's history and achievements .
25 Education liaison officer Lindsey Walton said : ‘ We were approached and asked to participate in this prestigious scheme and are very pleased to be associated with the schools . ’
26 But the group who were seeing Mr Hurd this week , or who asked to be associated with the visit , included the Tory backbenchers Sir John Biggs-Davison , Sir John Farr and Mr John Wheeler .
27 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
28 Leavis does not question or problematize the existence of the materials of the literary tradition , and the moral force to be associated with the study of English resides , not in the " personalities " of great authors , but in the capacity of an intellectual and professional elite to " respond " , that is , to recreate in themselves that evaluative response to cultural change seen as inscribed within the literary tradition .
29 In inflammatory bowel disease an increased expression of ICAM-1 on mucosal mononuclear phagocytes on colonic biopsy specimens was shown to be associated with the maintenance of chronic inflammation and the induction of ICAM-1 expression has been seen on bile duct epithelium , endotheoium , and hepatocytes of liver allografts undergoing acute rejection .
30 He anticipated talks " in a month or two " , but insisted that sharp differences remained over the question of Palestinian representation and said that Israel would maintain a veto on anyone it considered to be associated with the PLO .
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