Example sentences of "[prep] be concerned with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this sense they claim to be concerned with the interests of all their constituents , and not just those who voted for them .
2 Even if the courts purported only to be concerned with the fairness of the process of policy making and not with the substance of the policies made , it is very difficult to draw a sharp distinction between process and substance : complaints about process are usually , at bottom , complaints about substance — ‘ if we had been treated fairly , the outcome would have been different ’ .
3 Pakistan 's military appears instead to be concerned with the country 's neighbour and traditional foe — India .
4 The concept of parental rights in education could be said to be concerned with the ability of parents to extend the control they are able to exert within the family to their child 's formal education , thus protecting their ‘ interest ’ in the child .
5 However , accountants , who also ought to be concerned with the concepts of accountability listed under Divisions I and II , have not traditionally played a major role .
6 The use of word-processing helps to release them to be concerned with the content and not restrained by the process .
7 1.13 Because Governments are responsible for the overall management of the economy they have to be concerned with the amount of local authority expenditure , borrowing and taxation .
8 Any training should be user-friendly to a naïve user — a doctor or warehouse clerk does not want to be concerned with the segmentation required for handwriting recognition .
9 In fact his schedule was then changed , and on 24 May Gen McCreery began his tour of 5 Corps area by visiting units of 46 Division who were to be concerned with the repatriation of the Cossacks .
10 The perceptions that most science students had of the arts , then , are grounded within a discourse which regards education as primarily functional , believes learning to be concerned with the acquisition of knowledge , and views the relationship between different types of knowledge as hierarchical .
11 Face validity reflects the extent to which the test items appear to be concerned with the abilities in question .
12 He says it is natural for an artist to be concerned with the environment , as he 's exposed to it so often when working outside .
13 He was to visit units of all the three divisions in the Corps area , each of which was to be concerned with the repatriations .
14 It is necessary for the nurse not only to be concerned with the outcome of the action but she must understand its origins and the process of carrying it out .
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