Example sentences of "[prep] be remind of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As you wind along the corniche roads , passing vineyards and olive groves , you are sure to be reminded of the Côte d'Azur .
2 In order to be able to understand the situation of the visually handicapped child in an ordinary class it is relevant to be reminded of the function of the eye and the visual system , since without such basic information the demands which such a child faces are unlikely to be understood .
3 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
4 He needed to be reminded of the way the world was arranged .
5 But , throughout it all , it is hard not to be reminded of the debt owed , yet again , to Carole King .
6 When you went to the pictures you did n't want to be reminded of the problems that dogged you outside the cinema : jobs , children , money and so forth .
7 The nature of the movies was determined at an early stage and to study film history is to be reminded of the extent to which American and British cultural patterns in the modern era were determined within the context of the late nineteenth-century city .
8 Now you see in our day and generation , we do n't need to be reminded of the importance of little things .
9 One sees the need to be reminded of the richness of direct experience , especially today when so much is learnt and experienced indirectly from print , printouts , and television .
10 I found the article very interesting , & I was glad to be reminded of the pictures .
11 The literal translation of onyxectomy , however , is simply ‘ nail-cutting-out ’ and that is what vets are doing , even though they may not like to be reminded of the fact when they record their day 's work .
12 And she pointed out that not everybody wanted to be reminded of the fact .
13 Many students had strayed from the socialist path and needed to be reminded of the superiority of the socialist system .
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