Example sentences of "[prep] be apply to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 BY SUGGESTING that women have a monopoly on being civilised , does Tony Parsons not open the door for double standards of judgment to be applied to the behaviour of women and men ?
2 We could specify in which hand the draw-sheet is to be held , which arm the nurse is to use to support the patient , the degree of tension to be applied to the draw-sheet to make it taut and smooth .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 24 December 1991 the local authority appealed with leave of the judge on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law or misdirected himself as to the criteria to be applied to the decision whether leave should be granted in respect of an application by a former foster parent ; ( 2 ) the judge should have applied the test whether ( a ) there were quite exceptional circumstances disclosed necessitating the ousting of the local authority and the consequent discharge of the care order , and ( b ) there was a real likelihood that the applicant could persuade the court to adopt that course and ( c ) such a course was in the interests of the children ; ( 3 ) alternatively , if the judge had adopted the correct test , his exercise of his discretion had been plainly wrong in that he had failed to give any or sufficient weight to ( a ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation , ( b ) the fact that if residence orders were made the care order would be discharged , ( c ) the shared responsibility between the foster mother and the mother resulting from section 12(2) of the Act of 1989 , ( d ) the fact that the foster mother 's proper remedy was her application for judicial review , and ( e ) the wishes of the children and the mother .
4 Is there an opportunity for an offshore trust structure to be applied to the vendor 's advantage ?
5 The parsing algorithm specifies the manner in which lexical information is to be retrieved , which grammar rules are to be applied to the input and how the information obtained is to be stored .
6 The Commission proposes a margin scheme , i.e ; VAT to be applied to the margin between the selling and the purchase price , not to the full price .
7 At one stage , Labour sheds crocodile tears for the decline in the merchant fleet , yet in the next breath , it says how much more regulation it would like to be applied to the merchant fleet .
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