Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] for the benefit " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to be run for the benefit of chaps who wanted a good time — not chaps who wanted to re-create their public schools .
2 With its simple thesis that ‘ the tropics are the heritage of mankind ’ , to be developed for the benefit of all , including their inhabitants , and its emphasis on the excellence of the British record in these respects and the desirability of prolonging it , the book had an immensely affirmative influence .
3 After a pleasant lunch with Mr Blackwood , the managing director of the Cambridge Arts Theatre , I joined the rest of the cast in the Green Room to help write a Derek and Clive type ‘ blue ’ review to be performed for the benefit of our admirable crew after tonight 's show .
4 Under s665(2) , a settlement shall not be deemed to be revocable by reason only : ( a ) that it contains a provision under which any income or assets will or may become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor , or the wife or husband of the settlor , on the bankruptcy of the settlor 's child or in the event of an assignment of or charge on that income or those assets being executed by the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) that it provides for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person in such a manner that the determination will not , during the lifetime of the settlor 's child , benefit the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor ; or ( c ) in the case of a settlement to which section 33 of the Trustee Act 1925 applies , that it directs income to be held for the benefit of the settlor 's child on protective trusts , unless the trust period is a period less than the life of the child or the settlement specifies some event on the happening of which the child would , if the income were payable during the trust period to him absolutely during that period , be deprived of the right to receive all or part of the income .
5 Britain is at the stage when we must no longer expect sections of our land to be retained for the benefit of the few , when they could be used to provide jobs for the many .
6 Richard Botwood and his excellent team continued their cost-containment programme ( but still of course working to provide the value-for-money service members look for ) , so that we finished the year with an acceptable surplus of £35,231 to be used for the benefit of CIT members and transport in general .
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