Example sentences of "[prep] whom [vb past] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Communists continued to have some success among the unemployed , many of whom felt betrayed by the Labour government and ignored by the TUC .
2 The general effect of widespread miscegenation was , as in North American the creation of large number of métis , many of whom became assimilated into the ‘ Russian ’ population of Siberia .
3 His swift rise to international acclaim was nevertheless tragically cut short when at only 42 he died of a heart attack just when ‘ poised to take his place alongside Barere , Friedman and Horowitz as the natural successors to Hofmann , Rachmaninov , Rosenthal , Godowsky and Lhevinne , all of whom had contributed to the last golden age of pianism ’ as Bryan Crimp , the dedicated compiler of this anthology of Levitzki 's total surviving electrical recordings for HMV , puts it in the accompany booklet .
4 Johnson was told by his lawyers that he , the churchwardens , the Parochial Church Council and LGCM ( all of whom had applied for the faculty ) were likely to lose the case .
5 Parliamentary criticisms of Prime Minister René Préval and threats to force his resignation had precipitated angry demonstrations by Préval 's supporters , over 2,000 of whom had gathered outside the parliament building in the capital , Port-au-Prince .
6 Rain fell heavily all day to add to the misery of people who came in the shop , many of whom had lived through the Great War , and told Anne some of the horrors of that time .
7 In West Berlin the huge crowd at the Rathaus , some of whom had crossed from the East to listen to the speeches , reserved their greatest enthusiasm for the former Social Democrat leader , Chancellor and Mayor of West Berlin , Mr Willy Brandt , who told them , to wild cheers : ‘ Berlin will live and the Berlin Wall will come down . ’
8 That the rich did not escape the scourge is evident at Crich in Derbyshire when , in October 1349 , William de Wakebridge added a small chantry chapel to the parish church in memory of his wife , his father , his two sisters and three brothers , all of whom had died of the plague in the summer of that year .
9 Amnesty International reported in July , however , that reprisals had continued against the civilian population , at least 50 of whom had died in the past two months .
10 Former premiers Takeshita and Yasuhiro Nakasone , both of whom had resigned over the Recruit issue , became senior advisers to the party .
11 The following spring the same duo , neither of whom had climbed since the previous autumn , was optimistically toying with the idea of opening the season with Dream of White Horses on Gogarth .
12 Djibouti officials said in late 1989 that their country was host to some 30,000 Somali refugees , most of whom had settled in the capital .
13 There was a strong and efficient band , all Wolverton men under the leadership of Bandmaster Brooks , and an ambulance squad of eight men , all of whom had qualified for the Geneva Badge .
14 The large-scale youth unemployment coincided with a collapse in apprenticeship schemes as industry , in recession , withdrew its support for the part-time vocational courses that were the stock-in-trade of the further education colleges , many of whom had evolved from the old mechanics institutes .
15 LORD ALDINGTON told the High Court yesterday he was not surprised that tens of thousands of Yugoslavs , many of whom had fought on the German side , feared repatriation at the end of the war .
16 During the early 1880s , however , five émigré revolutionaries , three of whom had belonged to the stillborn populist organization ‘ Black Repartition ’ , founded the ‘ Emancipation of Labour ’ group , dedicated to spreading Marxism in Russia .
17 Wenlock Manor was some twelve miles out of Brighton , far enough away to discourage conference-going Tories , the more important of whom preferred to stay at the rebuilt Grand Hotel , and the more humble at sea-front bed-and-breakfasts .
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