Example sentences of "[prep] least [prep] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was anticipated , however , that at least during the first stage Gorbachev would make extensive use of emergency powers , granted to him in September , to introduce reforms by presidential decree .
2 Although , USL claims to have improved DCE 's quality , it says that OEMs will look at DCE/SVR4 as a build-or-buy decision , not as a functional value-add , at least with the first release .
3 For some sections of the labour force , prosperous years which had begun in the 1780s continued at least for the first part of the war .
4 My arrival put paid to her travels — at least for the first couple of years . ’
5 Between 1713 and 1763 they paid little attention to the colonies in America , and at least for the first half of the period it was hard to see what else could have been done .
6 Not that she was destined to get any practice at such a mega-speed , since Downes , at least for the first half of the interview , was to enunciate his words with the slow deliberation of a stupefied zombie .
7 There , she had been happy in Pakistan ; she had been happy in the Peckham house at least for the first year ; she had been happy working for Graham ; she 'd been enthusiastically interested at college and during the first two years after she had qualified ; she had been completely delighted when she had got the job she now had : a tenants ' association garden in a dreadful estate in Hackney , but where she , with a community group , had planned the garden from scratch and had made a small desert blossom like a rose .
8 At least for the first year ( 1st April 1993–31st March 1994 ) , the vast majority of residential care places in voluntary and private sector residential and nursing homes , and registered supported accommodation , will be purchased on an individual place-by-place basis for each user .
9 However , it is probably preferable to send a copy of the terms with the document which refers to them , at least on the first occasion that the parties do business .
10 The main problem , at least on the first night , was that too much of the dialogue was overplayed — Lochhead recognises that you do n't need to soup up the Scots speech to make it funny , or poignant or significant : it 's all already there in the words , but if they 're spoken too self-consciously they end up sounding like rather forced one-liners .
11 Cedric Thornberry , his civilian representative in ex-Yugoslavia , had some good news , at least on the first score .
12 It is hoped that Customs will keep to their original pledge of applying the rules sympathetically at least within the first year , and waive any penalties where it is clear that the taxpayer has done his best to comply .
13 Pam was there from the beginning , or at least from the first day of school .
14 Given that , at least in the first year of the new council tax , there will still be two-tier authorities in the shires , I hope that the Bill will be as tight as a drum to ensure that the tiered authorities that are not up for election do not use that freedom from the ballot box — as happened in Nottinghamshire with the poll tax — to wreck the council tax in the way that they wrecked the poll tax in its first year .
15 A limited contract for a few sessions , at least in the first instance , is always preferable .
16 They write of the purpose behind the Nottinghamshire teams as involving the explicit premise that casework and service coordination at the level of individual clients should logically take second place to the creation of more adequate service infrastructure — at least in the first instance ( Wistow and Wray , p 16 ) Developmental teams of the Notts kind , then , might be expected to place priority on establishing a range of new services , " accommodation services , adult placement schemes , family support services , play schemes , parent groups and Further Education courses " ( Wray and Wistow , op cit ) .
17 Soviet forces were not , at least in the first instance , to be withdrawn unconditionally .
18 But is n't there a sense in which people in other countries really have to help themselves , at least in the first instance ?
19 That is to say , there was , at least in the first quarter of this century , no well-developed rationalist alternative to theology or a simplistic materialism to explain mental life .
20 If at all possible , answer these questions in the first sentence of the release or at least in the first paragraph .
21 At least in the first stage of transition , there is no alternative other than a combination of the market and state regulation .
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