Example sentences of "[prep] what [pers pn] have be doing " in BNC.

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1 If any one would like to find out more of what we 've been doing — just let us know .
2 Now of what we 've been doing today with fractions was there any of it that you 're not quite sure of and you think , But could you just tell me about that bit again .
3 out of what we 've been doing with this .
4 " To destroy the evidence of what he 'd been doing , or the result of his analysis , or the time he 'd spent on it .
5 It 's a bit like what we 've been doing before where you 've got to look at the money .
6 Just talk like what you 've been doing at school and things like that .
7 As soon as most dealers actually knew anything , they would get disgusted with what they had been doing , and wanted out .
8 My initial homesickness at school soon gave way to a dread of going home , home to a place where no one understood me , no one spoke the same language as I did , and no one showed the slightest interest in what I had been doing , thinking or feeling during my absence .
9 While it is perfectly valid for children to step back from what they have been doing in drama and write about it , the exciting alternative of writing ( or drawing , or carrying out scientific experiments ) within the context of the drama , as the characters they are playing , produces lively and highly motivated work .
10 It was almost as if he had spent three weeks thinking over what he had been doing and worked it all out .
11 As to what we 've been doing — well — we had something of an adventure today . "
12 But this is so different to what I 'd been doing as it is for most people .
13 As to what he 'd been doing , there had been a couple of incidents down by the river , which on top of the morning 's ordeal , had about finished him .
14 In between these demonstrations of loyalty and discipline under fire he had said nothing to clarify the Government 's policy for combating inflation other than that there was no alternative to what he had been doing .
15 It depends first on what you 've been doing in those 29 years , whether you 're willing to get new skills if necessary , and finally , how persistent you are in your job search .
16 But then they 'd still presumably report back to the main group about what they 'd been doing .
17 It is in periods of reflection that the real learning occurs in drama , when people are given the chance to think about what they have been doing .
18 The most useful activities are those which stimulate children into thinking dynamically and constructively about what they have been doing .
19 My father grilled us about what we had been doing all week .
20 We did n't sit down thinking deeply about what we had been doing or anything like that , largely because we were teaching at the same time .
21 But he went on refusing to say anything at all about what he 'd been doing in Paris .
22 MR RICHARDS : First of all I d like you to tell me a bit about what you 've been doing .
23 I 'll just have a look through what you 've been doing
24 Nicholas looked at what he had been doing , which was nothing very much , and laid down the stone and the knife and , clasping his knees , looked at Diniz .
25 I went to have a look at what he 'd been doing .
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