Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] response to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For a generous response to vocations to the
2 Consequently , I would like to suggest the following working distinction : learning refers to actions , beliefs , and so on , that come about either through direct imitation of others , or as a conditioned response to punishments and rewards ; invention refers to actions , beliefs , and so on , that result from internal processes of thinking and working out solutions to problems ( though acknowledging that such processes are influenced by the individual 's experience ) .
3 Deeply concerned at what she sees as a naive response to changes in the Warsaw Pact countries which could yet be reversed , Mrs Thatcher will seek a clear assurance from Mr Bush that any defence cuts will not erode the US military commmitment to Western Europe .
4 In conclusion , I am advocating that , as the whole-school approach grows in popularity as a positive response to children with special educational needs , it is important that schools , as organisations , and teachers , as individuals , reject the segregationist policy towards disruptive pupils which might appeal to some teachers and government policy makers .
5 Dismissals are now explained as an inevitable response to pressures beyond managerial control be they the result of higher taxes to pay for the public finance deficit or the need to introduce even greater levels of mechanization to meet world competition .
6 Paris : The CAC-40 index climbed 9.37 points to 1,918.41 in a robust response to increases in European interest rates .
7 THE board of Barclays , Britain 's biggest clearing bank , yesterday announced the first moves towards appointing an outside chief executive in a clear response to shareholders ' recent criticism of existing top management .
8 This was never articulated directly , a variety of subtler means were employed ; humour , to engage an audience and convey an important message without alienation ; sensuality , in a particular response to materials and experimentation , a need to manipulate materials and accepted methods of doing things in order to extend traditional boundaries , blurring and redefining the nature of art , craft and commercial design .
9 Up until the 1950s , it was difficult for any human beings who suffered from an allergic response to cats to become cat owners , no matter how much they longed to share their lives with a feline companion .
10 insists on a proper response to complaints and on action to set right the problems behind them .
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