Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] on the basis " in BNC.

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1 The short judgments proceed on the simple ground that the sheriff was not entitled to retain sums which he had no legal right to demand , but the sums were demanded in return for the rendering of a service , namely the issuing of warrants , so the case is capable of being rationalised on the basis that they were exacted colore officii , a concept which emerged more clearly in later cases .
2 The institutions that the finance director talks to are chosen on the basis of detailed share-register research , rather than who is free for lunch .
3 For them the extent of the new prosperity may be doubted , although their relationships with their masters had come to be based on the basis of cash rather than service .
4 If a set of presumptive penalties were to be constructed on the basis of Court of Appeal recommendations , for example , this would clearly have disastrous implications for sentencing levels elsewhere in the system , and particularly in the magistrates ' courts .
5 Accordingly , if the question before the court is to be decided on the basis of the attitude adopted by Her Majesty 's Government , an order can not be made in favour of the interim government or Crossman Block .
6 The appeal is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the parties and a site visit by an Inspector .
7 Scott J said that the distinction lay in whether the parties would have been prepared to allow the matter to be decided on the basis of views which had not been formulated .
8 In the latter case the net income attributable to shareholders will have to be assessed on the basis of whether it is reasonable compared with desired yields .
9 Too much expenditure is involved for decisions to be made on the basis of the influence or favour of suppliers ' representatives .
10 Suppose a judgement about reaching criterion performance had to be made on the basis of the results of the tests used in the consistency experiment described above , what would be the decision for individual pupils ?
11 While the ideology is appropriate , it enables choices to be made on the basis of far less analysis and with much greater urgency , which certainly seems to be a move in the right direction , even if the choice made is not always the best one in the circumstances .
12 In rodents it is difficult to identify an area that corresponds to temporal visual cortex , there is debate about the existence of a parietal visual area , and the prestriate cortex has yet to be shown to be subdivided on the basis of submodality as in primates .
13 When it comes to plants , micro-organisms and tissue culture systems , the remedy picture as worked out for human patients is wholly inappropriate , and experiments have to be conducted on the basis of trial and error to see if particular remedies have an effect on particular plants or micro-organisms .
14 On June 7 , the government named a committee of experts which would draw up proposals for a draft constitution on the basis of previous constitutions and the report of the National Commission of Democracy , which advocated an executive president and a national assembly , both to be elected on the basis of universal suffrage , an independent judiciary and guarantees of human rights .
15 Of course , cost is not the only factor ; ability of the investment bank to maintain a secondary market is important to the extent that repeat borrowing will tend to be priced on the basis of the yield on outstanding issues ; ability to structure and innovate may be important where there are specialised funding requirements ; the investor base and banking relationships can also be important , as discussed below .
16 First , they may be designed not finally to determine what is to be done in certain circumstances but merely to determine what ought to be done on the basis of certain considerations .
17 Thus , selecting cases needs to be done on the basis of theoretically informed criteria rather than those to do with representativeness .
18 Warranties to be given on the basis of the Vendor 's knowledge , information and belief .
19 Similar arguments would seem applicable were proceedings in the English courts to be stayed on the basis of forum non conveniens , the injunction continuing subject to proceedings in the alternative forum being commenced within a prescribed period of time .
20 If there is any more pronounced preference in Japan for the long-term view , then part of the reason is surely connected to the expectation that managers are less likely to be rejected on the basis of short-term dividend performance .
21 The first is that while Article 85 has a section 3 , which permits both block and individual exemptions to be granted on the basis of beneficial affects of particular agreements , there are no corresponding sections in either Article 86 or the Merger Regulation .
22 Committee chairmen generally continue to be selected on the basis of seniority and , indeed , only one other sitting standing committee chairman , Mel Price of Armed Services in 1985 , has actually been deposed since in either house .
23 When records are to be selected on the basis of the state of one or more attributes , a serial search concentrates on the records , examining each in turn to see if it meets the specified conditions of the search .
24 The areas in which the US should maintain ‘ clear leadership ’ are to be selected on the basis of a melange of criteria .
25 Yes I think that may be right my Lord , indeed er if we succeed on the way out , get get out of the contract point then of course the plaintiff 's case is that they would have taken that advice and would not have entered into the contract a and therefore on that basis they are entitled to be compensated on the basis that all the losses they unnecessarily incurred by having , being forced to complete , should be recoverable , subject to er litigation of loss and .
26 We would expect them to be proceeding on the basis of a specific sector , a general location in sufficient detail to enable them to place a symbol on the key diagram in the approximate location where they think a new settlement should go .
27 Equation ( 5.60 ) ignores the current yield effect : all payments are assumed to be received on the basis of par , and this understates the value of the coupon for FRNs trading below par and overstates the value when they are trading above par .
28 It would act as a further incentive for conglomerates to enforce their Chinese Walls for fear of being sued for damages by investors , particularly other market players , who suspect the conglomerate to be trading on the basis of inside information .
29 In the event of the Publisher receiving from other parties payments for exploitation of the Work in any other form or manner then the Publisher shall pay the Company a portion to be negotiated on the basis of the Publisher 's net receipts from such other parties .
30 I want to ensure that the genuine claims of those who are in need are dealt with properly , promptly and accurately , I do not want campaigns to be organised on the basis that people sign a piece of paper that has been delivered to them by a welfare rights organisation .
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