Example sentences of "[prep] [be] called the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And would her daughter continue to be called the Duchess of York ?
2 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common …
3 It came amid reports that the government had in July accepted US funds to establish a new 100-strong secret service , to be called the Council for Public Security and National Defence , closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) .
4 Worst of all for Scottish pride , what has come to be called the Stone of Scone is no longer in its honoured place .
5 They used to have er a a what you call a front room , and then we used to call it the kitchen and then the other place where you wash your pots and the sink in and everything in , it used to be called the scullery in them days .
6 No man gets to be called the Ángel of Death just because he tells his men to stand fast and fight .
7 But though my spirits were high , the shadow of that man , who liked to be called the Ángel of Death , travelled with me , the memory of his good looks , his well-oiled virility , above all Iris Sunderby 's apparent infatuation , constantly there in my mind .
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