Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] at the beginning " in BNC.

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1 Conversation between strange women at the beginning of a party is often strained and this occasion proved to be no exception .
2 This epoch was to pass after Adams 's presidency into a period of romantic pluralism at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
3 In reality , it is a history of Italian music from the era of Netherlandish dominance at the beginning of the 16th century to the end of Monteverdi 's career .
4 After a brief phase of unambiguous Atlanticism at the beginning of the Cold War , de Gaulle soon showed himself to be a cold warrior with one eye on the danger of " le protectorat de Washington " .
5 With this in mind , when you are shooting camera-originals which are to be assemble edited later , shoot them with at least five seconds of spare length at the beginning of each shot ; this not only facilitates the offsetting of the backspace but also helps to ensure that the edits will be stable on the copy .
6 An exhibition of more than fifty works of art created by Luciano Fabro , a leading figure in the Italian school of Arte Povera , opens at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art at the beginning of this month ( 1 October-29 November ) .
7 It would have clinched the identification as Apollo , which is probably correct : a head was found in the temple of Apollo at Cyrene ; and the long , braided hair bound round the head , though a fashion of gilded youth at the beginning of the century ( the fair-haired boy , fig. 70 ) , was probably by now a sign of divine or heroic status ( cf. fig. 79 ) .
8 Some records are worthy of special comment at the beginning of this chapter for they are sources that every family and local historian must learn to use straight away if he is to gain any understanding of the period before the Industrial Revolution .
9 After a brief flurry of original stories at the beginning of the First World War , it was back to business as usual and , by the early 1920s , some 95 per cent of film stories were adapted from the stage or novels .
10 In retrospect , it is now rather easier to see that the cases made for the identification of structural change at the beginning of the 1970s were exaggerated or , at least , rather premature .
11 STRONG growth in the Bank 's personal savings balances has continued , helped by the introduction of Royal Reward at the beginning of April .
12 But when the City of London emerged as the last centre of strength for the Whig opponents of royal policy at the beginning of the 1680s , it was asked by a writ of quo warranto to show that it was entitled to all the powers it had been exercising .
13 Furthermore the period of intense pollution at the beginning of the mining was now barred by statute from legal suit and also the company could claim it had provided compensation then which was accepted .
14 The world 's equity markets came under renewed pressure at the beginning of 1990 due to in particular to concerns over inflation and higher interest rates .
15 I saw myself chugging along a short track : a little side-shunting labelled ‘ Marriage ’ with unyielding buffers at the beginning and the end — cutting off the track and all the future .
16 Moscato fought in an amateur bout in Amiens which he won in controversial circumstances at the beginning of April .
17 Chairman Graeme Dutton Forshaw said properties leased from Allied Breweries at the beginning of the year helped towards an increase in turnover and volume of about 14pc but he warned : ‘ Underlying trading conditions remain difficult and encouraging trends noted in earlier months look unlikely to be repeated in the rest of the year . ’
18 The time between lights-out and getting to sleep ( the so-called " sleep-onset time " ) is increased , and so is the amount of time spent in light sleep at the beginning of the night before deep slow wave sleep ( Stage 4 ) and the first REM sleep period .
19 Time spent in careful planning at the beginning of a test can make the test more efficient and economical and save much time in its execution .
20 Indeed , the emergence of the SDP nationally , and of its alliance with the Liberal Party as the ‘ third force ’ in British politics at the beginning of the 1980s , led to increased political instability and variation across the country , as several local elections produced ‘ hung councils ’ in which no single party could claim overall control .
21 This is measured by the difference between the expected long-term rates of growth in real sales at the beginning and end of each month and is used as a proxy for profits .
22 IT says a lot for the African National Congress in South Africa that , after their supporters were gunned down in cold blood at the beginning of the week , they are still prepared to talk peace .
23 By way of a contrast to the more usual content found between these covers , let me take you to Georgian England at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century .
24 The historian , Robert Currie , has justly described it as the ‘ architectural monument to Methodist ambitions at the beginning of the twentieth century ’ .
25 Alan Jackson , promoted to chief executive at the beginning of last year , received £254,000 , up from £214,000 .
26 Ten people lived on ordinary wards at the beginning of the study , and eight lived in special units reserved for those with the most challenging behaviour .
27 Alas , it is difficult to see it now , due to poor restoration at the beginning of this century , but it does depict Charles IV and Elizabeth of Pomerania with Czech patron saints .
28 Use a string as a guide to accurate shaping at the beginning of the season , thereafter working by eye .
29 Antiochus was used by Thucydides for Sicilian antiquities at the beginning of hi ; book vi , but not for fifth-century history , though he went down to 424 .
30 To understand the challenge to the papacy that this scene represents , we need to look at the structure of the traditional Church and also at popular religion at the beginning of the thirteenth century .
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