Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [Wh det] [vb mod] lead to " in BNC.

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1 Or unc In equilibrium , the nominal demand for money equals the nominal money supply so that : unc ( 1 ) Now any increase in the nominal money supply will create an excess supply of money which will lead to an adjustment of portfolios as people attempt to spend their excess money holdings .
2 Third , more recently , local government auditors have been given powers of early intervention when a local authority has taken a decision which would involve unlawful expenditure or a course of action which would lead to unlawful loss .
3 A SCOTTISH scientist is at the forefront of research which could lead to cannabis being used to treat certain brain-related disorders , including Alzheimer 's disease .
4 More positively , Article 100A(4) may be seen as the price to be paid for the acceptance of a system of decision-making which may lead to the enactment of Community legislation in areas still subject to national measures .
5 On 7 January 1785 the society set out its principal objectives : to promote the good of the community by encouragement of industry and ingenuity ; to excite a spirit of enquiry which may lead to improvements not yet known ; and to fix knowledge and art upon the certain test of accurate experiment .
6 The ad may start a favourable train of thought which could lead to a purchase in a week 's ( or a year 's ) time .
7 Under the terms of the accord , the referendum was the first step in a process of transition which would lead to the establishment of the semi-autonomous Nunavut government and territory by April 1999 .
8 He also wrote of the superstition , the human passions and the religious representations that interfered with the observation and application of reason which should lead to knowledge .
9 But a few patients have a deficit in the process of healing which could lead to catastrophic effects .
10 The medical world looks for cures and , given a precise diagnosis , will set out a course of treatment which should lead to improvement in the patient 's condition .
11 There are those who argue that the doctor in this situation is , in fact , under an obligation to ignore the patient 's request , and to prevent him , under the protection of the plea of necessity , from adopting a course of conduct which would lead to self-destruction .
12 While a failure to adhere to the provisions of this Code by an individual registrant may not necessarily amount to negligence or a breach of an implied contractual term by that registrant , such a failure may evidence an infringement of the Council 's Rules of Conduct which could lead to disciplinary proceedings .
13 This is an opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships by securing board membership from a linked company , or to begin the process of negotiation which might lead to a productive partnership where none exists thus far .
14 They were understandably concerned to steer a middle course between over-confidence which might lead to an excessive number of candidates and realism which might have a restrictive effect .
15 Viscount Dilhorne similarly held that if the requested court was not satisfied that evidence was required , direct evidence for use at a trial as contrasted with information which might lead to the discovery of evidence , it had no power to assist .
16 It was when it was disturbed — when the predator-prey ratio , or climatic changes , occurred — that events were set in train which would lead to inevitable extinction .
17 Battle and a whole belt of Wealden parishes produced no response at all ; since the data were collected by the local parish clergy , the low level of response is hardly surprising , farmers as a rule having a dim view of requests for information which might lead to a rise in taxes or tithes .
18 Meanwhile , a reward has been offered for information which might lead to the arrest of the killer of Arthur Brumhill .
19 Flow charts are a useful record of a process but are not particularly suited as a basis for analysis which might lead to improved job design or training .
20 This tape has been carefully vetted for sensitivity of content or for material which can lead to the identification of speakers .
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