Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] the first half " in BNC.

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1 Forward sales for completion in the first half of this year are sufficient to meet internal targets , Mr Maunders said .
2 The profits to be made out of wine in the first half of the century encouraged substantial farmers to let out their outlying fields , landowners and municipalities their hitherto unproductive wastes , on rabassa morta — a lease of land based on the life of the vine and intended to bring bad land into cultivation .
3 Authors of A Secret World of Sex with a history of parenthood in the first half of the century .
4 If it spins out of control in the first half of the period , the batteries could run down and put it beyond recovery , says Alan Harris , a ROSAT physicist based in Munich .
5 In the worst of conditions , Gloucester were desperate to win and they made sure of victory in the first half , when Martin Roberts kicked them into a 6-0 lead with 2 penalties .
6 ‘ I do n't often associate the word passion with us , ’ said Luton 's manager , David Pleat , afterwards , ‘ but I thought we played with a lot of passion in the first half . ’
7 Throughout Brazil death squads operating against " marginal " members of society in the first half of 1989 killed at least 82 street children and adolescents , according to a survey conducted by IBASE , an independent research institute , and the National Street Children 's Movement welfare organization .
8 This area was the world 's main source of copper in the first half of the 19th century .
9 Comparison between this last work , with its highly charged and colourful imagery , and Avitus of Vienne 's work on chastity , which approaches the same subject through an examination of his own family , reveals a vast difference in the imagination of the two writers , and does suggest that despite the continuities , there had been a sharp change of taste in the first half of the sixth century .
10 Ferguson admitted : ‘ We showed a wee bit of nervousness in the first half , the sort of anxieties that were there when we were three down against Everton . ’
11 We did have all the posession without SOUNDING like there were any chances of note in the first half .
12 During the determined drive against Dissent in the first half of the 1680s , government directives were issued to judges , magistrates , constables and churchwardens requiring them to enforce the penal laws strictly .
13 The right wing coalition parties , RPR and UDF , are expected to triumph at the French legislative elections due to take place at the end of this month but , regardless of who wins , the French economy is set to go into recession in the first half of this year with even the most optimistic forecasters predicting zero growth .
14 It follows earlier work by the investigator into industry during the first half of the nineteenth century .
15 Similarly , the Wallabies were unable to play with continuity in the first half of the Second Test at Ballymore because of a string of penalties but were finally able to chain together some magical passages of play .
16 This was a very even match with both goals coming under pressure during the first half .
17 In Guatemala , economic growth went into reverse in the first half of the 1980s .
18 Any slower rate , as for example in the first half of the eighteenth century , allowed real wages to rise .
19 Stanley kept in contention in the first half of the game but came to grief on the 11th end when they dropped a five .
20 Group profit before tax for the first half of 1990 was £57.5 million , an increase of 2% .
21 London & Metropolitan further reduced its losses before tax in the first half of this year from £14.96m to £4.44m .
22 If this were the case , the drop in population in the first half of the period could have been deeper and the subsequent recovery slower than existing replacement figures suggest .
23 Most economists believe that the tighter squeeze on the economy would now lead to a more rapid deceleration in inflation in the first half of next year than had been expected before yesterday 's base rate increase .
24 Profits eased back from £15.1m to £14.7m before taxation in the first half as turnover stagnated at £98.8m .
25 Wednesday were twice in trouble in the first half — Woods doing well to tip over a Marcus Marin shot , and Nigel Worthington clearing a Witeczek header off the line .
26 Every qualified projection of climate change and population growth indicates a crisis which will grow in seriousness through the first half of the twenty-first century .
27 Many if not most of them had doubled in size during the first half of the nineteenth century .
28 In view of the rapid drop in morale in the first half of 1944 — with a short interruption in the first half of June — and the evidently growing unpopularity of the Nazi regime , the registered popular response to news of the plot against Hitler appears surprising .
29 The hiatus between North and South is most directly shown in terms of trends in employment over the first half of the 1980s .
30 The dominant approaches in psychology in the first half of this century were summarised by Kammerer in 1940 as follows : Allen and Pearson ( 1928 ) had concluded , on the basis of case studies , that : Whilst the Adlerian Rudolf Dreikurs argued in 1948 that : Since then individual psychology and its therapeutically oriented offshoots have continued in this vein , and debated the degree and nature of pathology supposed to follow , directly or indirectly , from impairment .
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