Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] a short [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On a wet Wednesday in March 1987 , as part of a short survey - not scientifically conducted , but as part of a personal investigation into the cause of alienation among secondary age children — I found myself with a group of seven girls and one boy , between the ages of twelve and fifteen , at the Didcot Health Centre at four o'clock in the afternoon .
2 Both these numbers were given as part of a short questionnaire about their driving histories .
3 However , you could use that initial unthinking response to the idea " vicar " to fool your reader , as for instance in a short story , by saying no more about the vicar and elsewhere stating that the murder could have been committed only by a man of enormous physical strength .
4 Histamine in 2.5 ml of perfusate : fluorometry after extraction via a short Dowex ion exchange resin column ;
5 Aristotle called the kings ‘ hereditary generals ’ and an incompetent or even average king could do a lot of damage in a short while — like Kleombrotos who lost the decisive battle of Leuktra in 371 but was not catastrophically inept .
6 Oliver gained a lot of experience in a short time , and was interested to see how brave some people were after a death in the family .
7 First , the payment of this sum of money over a short period would have a considerable inflationary effect .
8 I thought of him as the rhino : myopic , short-legged , thick-skinned , not too bright but with a mean temper , a surprising turn of speed over a short course , and , above all , a keen sense of smell .
9 A big bream should be weighed immediately it is caught , for these fish can lose a lot of weight in a short time in a keepnet or keepsack .
10 At the same time , Nos. 1E , 2E and 3E , were taken out of service for a short time , to receive a small modification — they were fitted with spare sets of track brake equipment , so that they could subsequently work to the Crystal Palace .
11 They could have accepted our offer of co-operation on a short Bill to return to the rating system as a first step towards a more general reform .
12 Such catastrophic events , he believes , are more likely to be due to the receipt of a considerable volume of rainfall in a short space of time on to soils which are already saturated , as occurs during the monsoon season .
13 The problem was more one of having to absorb a vast amount of information in a short space of time .
14 In fact , a ‘ fast track ’ procedure , in which the court would seek to deal quickly with preliminary issues in an endeavour to reach the stage of proof within a short time ’ , is one of the proposals already before the working party which would like to hear of experiences of that kind in other jurisdictions .
15 And for an English/French speaker , adoption of bird for a short time precluded oiseau Once such children realize they are dealing with two languages , however , they begin to use labels from both languages for the same category , both leche and milk They start to do this once they themselves can produce about 150–200 words ( Taeschner , 1983 ) .
16 Not only would a list of varieties make a book like this out of date in a short time , it would not help you either .
17 It was eventually decided at the Council meeting that farmers should be approached about renting out a plot of land for a short time for the travellers whilst the search for a permanent site continued .
18 Forrester and Kevin Sharp came from the FA School of excellence via a short spell in Auxerre towards the end of the season before last .
19 Again , the concentration of childbearing into a short period , which began in the late nineteenth century , now makes this much rarer .
20 Former President ( until 1988 ) Amin Gemayel returned from exile on a short visit at the beginning of August , to contribute to this debate .
21 His sole task was to listen to a speech made by his master in reply to a short debate .
22 When we signed the Report , on 29 January 1970 , I was in my first few weeks of a sabbatical term at Merton College , Oxford , and in need of a short rest from the work and vocabulary of education .
23 Arthur Price chairman John Price says : ‘ 13/0 certainly looks as bright and as cheerful as 18/8 but after it has been in use for a short while it goes dull and then grey and , after a year or so , stains and pitmarks develop which can not be removed . ’
24 There are too many products to cover in depth in a short note here but details of some of the new hi-fi separates will be particular interest to readers of GRAMOPHONE .
25 They walked in silence for a short distance before he asked casually , ‘ You 're not gripped by a mad urge to rip up a few ferns ? ’
26 He was sent home from hospital after a short period , since the doctors thought it more important that he should be there with his wife , and he shouted " hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! " as he was carried over the threshold .
27 Most patients can cope with unacknowledged grief and anxiety because they are in hospital for a short time .
28 The boy , who had only been in care for a short while before the incident , is now in secure accommodation .
29 Peter studied astronomy at University College , London , and worked in accountancy for a short spell before deciding upon a career in nursing .
30 Chrysalis emerges in front by a short head
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