Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The analysis of wear patterns on prehistoric stone tools can show which sort of work produced a particular pattern of wear .
2 This definition of voluntariness exhibits a particular ideal of distributive justice .
3 These shared systems of meaning constitute a particular culture .
4 The Secretary of State made a particular point about the health service budget .
5 However , the rise of unemployment creates a particular problem for the next generation of ‘ very old ’ , whose numbers are in any case increasing .
6 The process of critical theory in the area of sociology involves a particular attitude :
7 The economic relations are also social relations in that the mode of production signifies a particular division of labour and particular class relations .
8 Go around the group and have everybody in turn explain a particular example of their coping , or the task they set themselves during the preceding week .
9 It may be that in order to combat a particular problem , a different bit might help .
10 Thus , in order to answer a particular query maps showing geology , soils , transportation , elevation , slope , drainage lines , vegetation types , populations of towns and planning designations may be required .
11 One of the most frightening aspects of all intelligence agencies is the manner in which they create a totally false brand of patriotism in order to further a particular cause on the spurious grounds that only they understand what needs to be done and should not be asked to account or explain for any of their actions which must remain secret for all time .
12 Like Peter Brook 's Endgame-inspired King Lear in the Sixties , this Macbeth takes the risk of narrowing the play 's potential dramatic range in order to create a particular emphasis .
13 It is clear that Poulantzas originally posited the idea of a pertinent effect in order to save a particular claim of Marxism .
14 This section will analyse the development of this initiative over its first few years , in order to give a particular example of local political activity at a particular time in a particular place .
15 It has something to do with a person 's occupation , the control and autonomy a person has , the amount of training required in order to do a particular job , the way occupation shapes life chances , income , style of life , the kind of social activities engaged in , the prestige a particular occupation attracts from others , and may be more .
16 Many studies of development consider what factors an individual must experience in order to acquire a particular behaviour pattern .
17 But it did mean that in order to understand a particular way of thinking — for instance that of the theist — it was necessary to pay careful attention to the way in which theists actually spoke .
18 Market segmentation is undertaken by suppliers in order to get a clearer picture of the market-place in order to offer a particular marketing mix to one or more segments .
19 What has happened in this case is symptomatic of the adversarial approach , where technical points are taken in order to secure a particular result .
20 Most assessment procedures are developed in order to provide a particular kind of interpretation and because of this the criteria against which the child 's language will be evaluated are implicit in the procedure .
21 This exported oil or gas is not , as it is in the West , that part of production which is surplus to domestic requirements ; it is a quota which a decision has been taken to meet in order to fulfil a particular objective .
22 They are often organised and structured in the interests of influential and powerful bodies in order to make a particular point , perhaps to make a case for more money or resources , or to show a particular body or organisation in a good light .
23 However , we have not included a poetry strand in the statements of attainment because we do not feel that any pupil should be required to write a poem in order to achieve a particular level of attainment .
24 In order to achieve a particular level of confidence in a design , certain activities have to be performed .
25 This chapter has outlined the range of materials to which scientific techniques have been applied in order to discover a particular object 's provenance .
26 Nevertheless there is clear evidence that some couples have modified their childbearing patterns in order to obtain a particular type of housing ( Busfield and Paddon , 1977 ; Madge and Brown , 1981 ) .
27 Minsky and Papert studied in some detail how elaborate a perceptron must be in order to recognise a particular class .
28 Of the sculptures exhibited in Brussels , the most important and the biggest is ‘ Bâteau zoologique ’ , which the artist has personally retouched and installed on site to obtain a particular emphasis .
29 For a housegroup to be a safe place in which people can be themselves and grow to maturity takes a particular kind of enabling leadership .
30 To lighten what can be quite an anxiety provoking experience , it is sometimes helpful to ask the client to role play a particular situation , but to do it at first , extremely badly .
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