Example sentences of "[prep] [be] invite [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That Ronchey 's move has been made now is due not only to the changed political climate , but also to the fact that the Minister is not a career politician like his recent , ineffective predecessors , but an independent , educated man ( he was a distinguished political journalist before being invited to join the government ) , who instead of getting tied up in his Ministry 's bureaucratic shibboleths , has collected an enlightened group of advisors around him , including the independent scholar Federico Zeri , who enjoys star status in Italy , and Mirella Baracco , the energetic founder of the private ginger group , Napoli 99 , which is managing to get long-closed monuments and churches in that city open to the public .
2 So long as an apparatchik continued to be invited to join the Ceauşescus at play , even the ceaseless rotation of offices could not disguise his continuing status as one of the leaders .
3 joined in too and that they they really ought to be invited to put the s in the frame as well .
4 So do n't expect any preferential treatment or to be invited to meet the stars at their Christmas party .
5 IF YOU ARE sufficiently distinguished you may well be lucky enough to be invited to address the prestige conference Advances in Fermentation ‘ 83 to be held in September .
6 Congratulations to on being invited to become the representative of the Medau Society on the Executive Committee of the Medau College , Coburg , Germany .
7 The Principal and other staff of the College and then the Polytechnic were playing a part in committees of the CNAA : in 1971 , for example , the Academic Board congratulated one of its members on being invited to chair the CNAA Physics Board .
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