Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [adj] form of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Significantly , most of them are by Americans , for it is in the American academy that the pressure for change , for constantly new forms of newness , is greatest .
2 They can encourage the development of entirely new forms of warehousing and distribution reliant on road transport , resulting in further environmental impact .
3 Hamilton 's theory of the evolution of nepotistic behaviour as a consequence of maximizing the inclusive fitness of individuals through kin selection ( p. 42 ) has opened a passage from a nature red in tooth and claw to a no less rigorous nature in which the appearance of much gentler forms of interaction is comprehensible .
4 It is important to remember , however , that the village has declined in significance as a social centre for even the ‘ locals ’ among the population , thanks to the growth of largely privatized forms of leisure , such as television .
5 I hope you will agree that cycling is beneficial to the environment and that trends towards more sustainable forms of transport should be encouraged .
6 It may be a preliminary to higher levels of spending or may be simply a shift in portfolio preferences towards more liquid forms of wealth .
7 The documents and articles look towards more democratic forms of communication and outline a new vision for the 21st century .
8 In local government in particular we have seen substantial moves towards more decentralised forms of service provision in terms of area offices , or neighbourhood forums .
9 From this point onwards , Piaget 's account progresses towards more complex forms of symbolism through which the adult 's conceptual apparatus and capacity for cognitive representation are fully developed .
10 Europe , emerging in the late eleventh century , after an era of wars and invasions during the " Dark Ages " , to a period of relative peace , began to look towards more settled forms of government .
11 Such examples suggest a strong case for claiming that the existence of deeply different forms of life constitutes a formidable barrier to a theory of international relations .
12 If this is true , it is the more important that active approaches and positive attitudes prevail , if enjoyment in books is to be kept alive in the face of more passive forms of entertainment .
13 Common Law treated a contract as voidable if made under duress , i.e. threats of violence to life or limb ; it took no account of more subtle forms of pressure — the unfair advantage taken of a man in distressed circumstances , the influence exercised in certain relations , such as that of a guardian and his former ward , or solicitor and client .
14 However , education policy has embodied a constant tension between the pursuit of more democratic forms of education , and a more technocratic approach which emphasized uniformity , discipline and the development of standardized skills to meet economic needs .
15 Olson , indeed , recognises the historical specificity of the development of scientific institutions and of distinctly academic forms of language and literacy in England and he notes that these were not general in the society as a whole : ‘ Locke 's essayist technique differed notably from the predominant writing style of the time ’ ( ibid , ) .
16 The evolution of increasingly complex forms of market coordination has been fundamental to the economic development of capitalist economies and , through international trade , to sufficient economic integration to create the notion of a world economy .
17 It was argued that the sensationalizing of relatively minor forms of rowdyism invented hooliganism as a ‘ social problem ’ .
18 The neurophysiological basis of such reactions is unknown , but some analysis of very simple forms of learning has been made ( Horridge , 1962 : Hoyle , 1965 ) .
19 A decisive break with realist conceptions of the curriculum is long overdue and is a precondition for genuinely pluralist forms of radicalization of the curriculum ( Alvarado and Ferguson , 1983 ; Wexler , 1987 ) .
20 My experience in workshops is that people are dying for more honest forms of communication .
21 This has been generated , perhaps , more by past failures than by any great desire on the part of the majority of people for more participatory forms of decision making .
22 Unlike most other forms of investment , the profits made are totally exempt from taxation .
23 They are also trouble free , and give continuous protection , even when a window is open — a feature not available with most other forms of security .
24 It is a warm , mostly oceanic world with only rudimentary forms of life , whose few land masses had been restructured and reatmosphered as holiday havens for the rich .
25 So that 's mainly where the impetus came from and this gradually fed through into more academic forms of research , virtually fed through into popular consciousness so that erm you end up with , particularly in the late eighties early nineties , erm a great deal of interest in the media , a great deal of interest among professionals in s child sex abuse and child abuse generally .
26 The emphasis on athleticism , power play , sustained long-ball assaults , blitzkrieg , has bred a proliferation of muscular but blunderingly naive defenders who appear to be alarmingly , untidily vulnerable when required to cope with more subtle forms of attack ; show them dribblers , runners with the ball or an incisive exchange of sharp passes , and panic sets in .
27 An active Quaker throughout his life , editing the journal The Friend ‘ s Quarterly Examiner for many years , Newman integrated his duties as medical administrator with more traditional forms of philanthropy and self-help .
28 Either schools will have to lend the bulk of their support to the organization and teaching forms which are associated with more traditional forms of assessment , or they will have to recognize the full implications of new forms of recording achievement and adjust their procedures accordingly .
29 One could quibble about some interpretations that are proffered , though that is not unusual amongst advocates of action research ; but for anyone vaguely dissatisfied with more traditional forms of research , or more importantly for this publication , teachers wanting to undertake systematic analysis of their own practice , this book is a readable and stimulating introduction .
30 Even states with very different forms of life and different moral world views do in fact behave in similar ways .
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