Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be shown [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Two of them are shown on the right with their lines of symmetry drawn .
2 Some of them were shown to the solicitors of a Mr Jaggard , who was defending civil actions in the Chancery Division brought by the same company .
3 B. In Britain we use large amounts of goods some of which are shown by the bar graphs .
4 These can be used in countless ways , several of which are shown in the illustration .
5 The hushed court had earlier listened to a dramatic seven-minute recording of Daniel 's 999 call , part of which is shown on the left .
6 The Department of Trade and Industry alone has spent £1.5 billion in the past 10 years in the hon. Gentleman 's region , the success of which is shown by the success of local businesses and industry .
7 Nor was the scene confined to the city : half the picture was outside the wall , a stretch of which was shown near the middle ; and this brings us to the second great change , the opening up of space .
8 C. The way in which an everyday object , like a tin of Heinz baked beans , is made and provided for you is shown in the drawings .
9 One side of the sarcophagus actually shows , from the left , Hercules dragging Cerberus from Hades , the exit from which is shown by the overhanging rock .
10 The exact relation of what we see on the vases to what was shown on the walls is something we shall have to consider , but that in some way these vase pictures do reflect the revolution in wall-painting can not be doubted .
11 Many of them care less about the exchange rate than about what is shown on the chart on the right .
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