Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [subord] you 'd " in BNC.

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1 He 's not like a father as you 'd sort of think of a father .
2 ‘ I 've got some of those no-alcohol lagers in the fridge if you 'd prefer , ’ she said enthusiastically .
3 Well er it would in a way because you 'd have to pay interest on what you were borrowing would n't you ?
4 Cos in a match if that was in a match cos you 'd have said you 'd have said , fifteen two , fifteen four I would n't have said nothing take four , I would have kept quiet but you do n't do you ?
5 I worked a lot in one which I used to call D4 — basically taking the second string down to A and then sometimes taking the third string down to F sharp — open D. But sometimes keeping the third string tuned to G. I also used to tune to D minor sometimes and take the F sharp down to F , but sometimes keeping the E at the top so you 'd have a ninth . ’
6 So I 'll tell you I 'll tell you what to do with those in a minute but if y at the moment if you 'd just like to have a go at sorting it out .
7 No but you see I could n't tell you at the start because you 'd sound , you would n't have said half the things you did say .
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