Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [prep] [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Future development of social work practice in this area seems probable , with a social worker having responsibility for relating to a particular Home and its residents .
2 reasons for applying to a particular course
3 reasons for applying to a particular institution
4 The dominant reason for applying for a particular course was vocational ( see Table 1 ) .
5 Another member , after referring to the particular reference in the Financial Secretary 's statement to airline and railway employees , asked whether the same distinction applied to services provided by hotel companies to their employees — that is , to rooms which are freely available for the general public in hotels being offered at a concessionary rate to employees of the hotel group .
6 Those aged above 60 have a pedestrian casualty rate per head of population which is nearly double that of the 20–39 age group , whilst their greater likelihood of dying from a particular accident gives them a fatality rate six and one half times higher .
7 Thus according to the Child Poverty Action Group ( CPAG ) ‘ poverty is viewed in relation to a generally accepted standard of living in a particular society that goes beyond basic physical needs ’ to include ‘ broader social and cultural needs ’ as well .
8 What Goody and Watt have in mind , however , in citing their Greek example , is not simply the adoption of a writing system in general but the development of a particular form of writing in a particular way : ‘ in the sixth and fifth centuries BC in the city states of Greece and Ionia … there first arose a society which as a whole could justify being characterised as literate ’ ( ibid . ) .
9 The result of the enclosures was that many countrymen lost what little security they had formerly possessed , including the sense of belonging to a particular village or cottage .
10 Another of many criteria to be identified could be the subsequent or continuing costs , economic and social , of proceeding with a particular treatment .
11 Even those pupils who were not entered for any examination have suffered , because teachers have got into a habit of teaching in a particular way , and find it hard to break away from it .
12 When two or more creatures that are unrelated all evolve similar ways of coping with a particular circumstance , this is called convergent evolution .
13 adopt a strategy of focusing upon a particular niche or segment of the market .
14 Another option is to develop tests which could tell people if they were at risk of falling under a particular spell so that they could choose their pleasures wisely .
15 The other approach is to look for the advantage to the individual of behaving in a particular way .
16 In whatever format you keep them , the notes you make need to be clear ; if they are not self-explanatory at the time you write them , they are unlikely to be intelligible later , when your memory of working on the particular book or topic has faded .
17 The costs of fighting , which often leads to serious wounds or blinding , would outweigh the benefits of mating with a particular female in the long term , they argue .
18 Somewhere in this range , too , are those coincidences that give us an eerie spine-tingling feeling , like dreaming of a particular person for the first time in decades , then waking up to find that they died in the night .
19 Similarly , the therapist should help the family formulate a step-by-step approach to problem-solving with regard to a particular problem , and then encourage them to try out these steps at home , reporting back at subsequent sessions on their progress and any difficulties that they have encountered .
20 It is designed to help each applicant to make an informed decision before applying for a particular programme of study .
21 The article only deals in passing with the particular issue of non-standard entry students and degree performances but argues that evidence shows that these students , and mature students in general , achieve better results than traditional students in most fields of study .
22 So we get involved quite a lot in looking at teaching in various parts of the university where people want us to , very often involving the students as well as the other teachers in looking at a particular course and seeing if there are ways in which perhaps it might be taught differently or in a way that worked better .
23 Before deciding on a particular course , it is worthwhile giving a little thought to the best time to go and the subjects which the counselling should cover .
24 As Table 33 of Appendix 1 shows , when people were asked what factors they judged important in deciding on a particular type of credit they had chosen recently , the rate of interest was judged least important among the five factors suggested ( the others were cost of credit , convenience , amount of payment , and length of time over which payments are spread ) .
25 But convenience is rated as the most important factor in deciding on a particular type of credit by the great majority .
26 There are both advantages and disadvantages in specialising in a particular section of the media .
27 When a member of a board is disqualified from voting in a particular application , he should vacate his scat during the hearing : R. v. London County Council [ 1892 ] 1 Q.B .
28 He will take on a role as the head of a special unit in a hospital , and they will need to adopt the roles of experts whose help is needed in dealing with a particular patient whose case is causing him great concern .
29 The Portrait of Kahnweiler , painted in Paris soon after Picasso 's return from Cadaquès in the early autumn of 1910 , may have helped Picasso towards a solution of his problem , since in dealing with a particular individual he was forced to find a less difficult and hermetic means of expression ; in any case the portrait serves to illustrate what steps Picasso took to make his work once again more legible .
30 In responding to a particular colour we associate the hue with some past experience and draw upon our cultural background to assess its nature .
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