Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adj] support for the " in BNC.

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1 Although commissions of array continued to be used for major expeditions led by the king or the Prince of Wales , such as those of 1346 and 1359 , the armies which fought in France came increasingly to consist of volunteers rather than conscripts ; and this in itself goes some way towards explaining popular support for the war .
2 The leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation , Yasser Arafat , accused the United States of providing flagrant support for the settlement of Soviet Jews in Israel .
3 It is a task which some of the more well-bred staff in the royal household find frankly distasteful — the private secretary to the Prince of Wales , Sir John Riddell , reputedly once told a producer from Thames Television , working on a fortieth birthday tribute to the Prince , that ‘ dealing with you people is like having one 's private parts slowly nibbled by rats ’ — but they go along with it because the deferential attitude of most of the media is the means of engaging popular support for the ins of monarchy .
4 In BR , for example , the new chairman appointed by the transport minister in 1983 was considered to be more sympathetic than his predecessor to the government 's objective of reducing financial support for the railways .
5 The Finance Ministers were united in expressing modest support for the yen and the implication was that central banks would be ready to intervene in the event of another speculative attack , although there was no specific reference in the final communiqué to stabilizing exchange rates .
6 Mazmanian finds participation effective in such process goals as leading to public appreciation of the Engineers ' work , but not in what he calls ‘ product ’ goals , such as increasing public support for the projects or recommending courses of action .
7 While Europe quibbled , the US Department of Energy scored a coup by winning international support for the seven-year-old LOFT facility .
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