Example sentences of "[noun sg] standing out [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Closer than seemed possible , striking against an almost purple sky , we saw Kanchenjunga with a bright plume of snow standing out like a triumphal flag .
2 With its splashes of red standing out from the swirling whiteness of the snowstorm , this tableau combines the decorative and the dramatic in a manner reminiscent of the finest Japanese prints .
3 Over in the corner of the sizable room an electronic organ was giving out Moon River , the player a young , prematurely bald man , with sweat standing out on the smooth , polished face and head .
4 This might have seemed merely the occupational hazard of the self-indulgent restaurateur , but for a manic edge contributed by the tightly-curled crop of hair , the thin cigar drooping from his wide mouth and the garishness of a turquoise tie standing out against a black suit and matching shirt .
5 After we had mounted the third hill , we found the country one continued village , tho' mountainous every way , as before ; hardly a house standing out of a speaking distance from another , and … we could see that almost at every house there was a tenter , and almost on every tenter a piece of cloth , or kersie , or shalloon , for they are three articles of that country 's labour ; from which the sun glancing , and , as I may say , shining ( the white reflecting its rays ) to us , I thought it was the most agreeable sight that I ever saw , for the hills , as I say , rising and falling so thick , and the valleys opening sometimes one way , sometimes another , so that sometimes we could see two or three miles this way , sometimes as far another ; sometimes like the streets near St Giles 's , called the Seven Dials ; we could see through the glades almost every way round us , yet look which way we would , high to the tops , and low to the bottoms , it was all the same ; innumerable houses and tenters , and a white piece upon every tenter .
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