Example sentences of "[noun sg] started [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The High Court in Glasgow heard that as the car started to go over the top of the steps , one of the youths pushing it shouted : ‘ There 's somebody down there . ’
2 The manoeuvre was almost complete when the car started weaving across the road .
3 The shepherd started walking towards the malthouse , and Boldwood followed him , holding the letter .
4 A small red light started to flash on the Thing .
5 Cohse branch secretary Sheila Bowes said : ‘ I think it 's about time management started to listen to the nurses .
6 Details emerged when United 's new owners Bio Mass Recycling started looking into the clubs records and came across payments for seventy thousand pounds .
7 The constable started to go round the car , examining it minutely occasionally glancing up at the WPC to confirm the impression he was making .
8 And er but he did one did Melvin , and he he was trotting up the stairs with three men pushing you see , two at the bottom one at the top guiding it , and the top of the piano started to disappear into the staircase .
9 But she continued , her laughter growing until her body started to shake with the force of it .
10 There was a gurgling noise and water started pouring onto the floor .
11 I was beginning to have quite a good time , and might have imagined for myself a series of tragic scenes of truly poetic power and solemn grandeur , and was wondering how my dear and attractive wife would look in widow 's weeds , when this character started speaking on the radio , and totally ruined my train of thought .
12 As I moved into the small museum , a male chorus started singing over the sound system : Glory , glory , it 's a hell of a way to die …
13 Furthermore , the graph on page 44 shows that homelessness has become an ever-increasing feature of the Tory years , Homelessness began to hit home in a big way when the property-owning democracy started suffering at the hands of the repo-man .
14 ‘ Let's have a word with Roxie , ’ Coffin started to stroll towards the car .
15 When the current affairs machinery started to roll on the Aids issue , it quickly became apparent that this one had everything : public anxiety about health ; the awakening of incipient guilt over sexual freedom and either compassion or vengefulness , depending on your sympathies , for the gay community .
16 The notion of a Single Of The Week started to creep into the NME about 1974 and has now become a staple part of our weekly rock diet .
17 First gas started flowing from the field early in November , just a few weeks on from the original target of October .
18 Pools of viscous liquid started to spread across the floor .
19 Now she thought that if she had to clear the table once more , put the few plates in the dish-washer , put the cereal packet away , brush the crumbs from the table top , she would scream and go on screaming : scream until the plaster started to crack from the walls and the neighbours gathered to stand whispering outside the window and the cat fled in terror .
20 The hand started pushing through the window at the pile of books , and I knew it would find me and catch hold of me again .
21 At this Changez started to explode from the centre of his vast stomach .
22 and the , the er alarm started beeping inside the machine , we were going
23 Once the three of us were in Eva 's car in the High Street and Dad started to cry in the back .
24 Standard started looking at the possibilities of EAP back in 1990 when the financial industry was going through a period of great change .
25 We crossed over the river into Sweden near the Baltic coast at Haparanda ( and suffered the embarrassment of having to be push started to get off the ferry ) and drove on to Lulea where we called a halt because I had promised to say hello to a friend of a friend who lived there .
26 With its motor whining in protest , the transporter started to crawl along the corridor .
27 The faces along the table started to look like the masks of animals in a zoo and struck him as needing his help to get out .
28 According to their account , the professional-managerial class started to develop towards the end of the nineteenth century as a class which specialized in the ‘ reproduction of capitalist class relations ’ became necessary .
29 Concrete started pouring onto the hardcore in the first week of March .
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