Example sentences of "[noun sg] tried [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The music industry tried to interfere with the sale of twin cassette music centres in CBS Songs Ltd. v Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc [ 1988 ] , on the basis that , by the sale and advertising of these machines , Amstrad were inciting the public to infringe copyright .
2 Mr Kallisher told the jury : ‘ The defendant tried to raise in the minds of the police a suspicion that Julie had been dealing with drugs stolen from the hospital and perhaps her murder was connected with that , not with him . ’
3 ‘ The fool tried to get to the horse .
4 A SHORT-SIGHTED burglar tried to break into an optician 's but could n't see the right way in .
5 When Coca Cola tried to tinker with the taste of Coke an outraged public forced them to return to the original .
6 Spike 's one eye tried to focus on the movements occurring in front of him .
7 The second interview ended abruptly when the convalescent tried to embark on a discussion of the merits of his water-colours .
8 Once Marxism was a value system then capitalism and free enterprise tried to coalesce as a value system — largely unsuccessfully .
9 For example , the post-war British Electricity Authority tried to insist on the protocol of official contact through the board secretary rather than allowing civil servants to make contact directly with specialist personnel ( Hannah 1982 : 44 ) .
10 When Monday came , her misery gave her a new edge of ruthless efficiency , so that she hardly hesitated in rejecting some of the more out-of-condition stock that the retiring owner tried to include in the valuation .
11 Where the tongue tried to stir like a heart
12 In the immediate post-war period down to the mid-1950s there were endless external difficulties as the economy tried to recover from the strains of the war ; balance-of-payments crises of a severe kind in 1949 , 1951 , and 1955 , often accompanied by pressure on sterling , were endemic .
13 Ignoring his mother , Putt tried to speak to the pot-man , but could only utter unintelligible noises .
14 Under police guard the members of the new union tried to break through the picket line formed by the first union , with fierce clashes taking place …
15 The Doctor tried to communicate with the slave in English , but received no response .
16 The Dutch launched their much larger East India Company with about £500,000 of capital two years later , and when the English company tried to trade with the Spice Islands the Dutch opposed it fiercely .
17 The hotel tried to rely upon the notice in guest 's room as excluding their liability for the loss .
18 Just after the fire started , a passer-by tried to break into the building , fearing children were trapped inside .
19 Political scientists have for some time tried to grapple with the question : what difference , if any , does party control of the government make to political outputs ?
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