Example sentences of "[noun sg] required for a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It provides a unique trading opportunity where market conditions or size do not justify the capital investment required for a conventional Burger King restaurant .
2 There is a second condition required for a rational agent to be indifferent between equal forward and expected future spot rates .
3 The dam holds back as much as 40% of water in a cistern , while maintaining the force required for an effective flush .
4 A The type and amount of equipment required for a coldwater aquarium will depend very much on how complex you wish the system to be and how much you wish to spend .
5 On the locomotive side an ‘ in depth ’ examination is currently taking place on No. 6 ‘ Douglas ’ to determine the full extent of the work required for a major overhaul in connection with the provision of a new boiler .
6 This will tend to reduce the price that a trader is prepared to pay for a long position , and increase the price required for a short position .
7 While the support documentation required for a comprehensive paper based protocol would limit its use , a computer based system would be able to generate prompts for managing infrequent clinical scenarios in a user friendly way .
8 As covered in previous articles , the six colour types which are the minimum required for a full repertoire are :
9 Clipped onto his harness were a couple of screw-gate crabs , some RPs and a small camming-device — just the rack required for an overhanging fist jam crack .
10 An alternative method of compelling minority shareholders to sell their shares in similar circumstances is to use a Court Scheme ( see para 2.4 above ) if that is appropriate ( where the 75 per cent threshold may be easier to achieve than the 90 per cent threshold required for a compulsory sale ) .
11 Indeed , it is often ineffective , due to the difficulty of detecting abuse and , in criminal cases at least , the high standard of proof required for a successful prosecution .
12 By the time Robert III came to the throne in 1390 , Dundonald Castle was probably about 250 years old and below the standard required for a royal residence ; in any case , it was too far removed from the principal seats of government and power , such as Edinburgh and Stirling , to be a permanent royal household .
13 He remained silent when the government decided to extend the period of contribution required for a full state pension , thereby calling into question the right to retire at 60 , introduced by the Socialists .
14 The Government figures for investment , although accurate , represents investment on the cheap and not the full cost required for a decent job .
15 Our new 1990 fleet of award-winning Danish X-372's in their luxury version offering outstanding performance with the level of comfort required for a modern cruising holiday .
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