Example sentences of "[noun sg] set at a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And this can so easily be the case , for such premises are instilled into the scientific mind set at an early age , becoming accepted points of reference , though really they are often nothing more than habits of thought .
2 The church had a narthex set at an oblique angle to one of the outer octagon sides ; it is believed that this was not the original narthex , which would have directly faced the eastern apse ( 195 ) .
3 It has since been used on many small computers as a means of implementing a rich instruction set at a reasonable price .
4 The starting position is that of eligibility set at a particular time .
5 The production of the CH 3 · radical by flash photolysis of CH 3 I , for instance , has been monitored using a tunable IR laser set at a fixed frequency of 608.301 cm -1 , coinciding with the strong Q-branch of the ν 2 band .
6 Efficient utilisation of processing capacity is obtained by using an interrupt routine to control tile motor , with the main program being interrupted by a constant frequency clock set at a suitable multiple of the pull-out rate .
7 Young Area Sneaker was the faithful companion of ‘ Chokee Bill ’ , himself a prototypical comic-strip crook with swag-bag and cosh , and in their weekly scrapes with the law — personified for Comic Cuts readers in the ineffectual shape of ‘ Fairyfoot the Fat Cop ’ — he was quite recognisably dressed in a budding Hooligan 's attire : bell-bottoms , flowing neck-scarf , cap set at a jaunty angle , and boots two sizes too big .
8 The implement you need has an overall length of some 6 foot 6 inches ( 2 metres ) , is ash-handled and has a long , narrow spoon-shaped blade set at a slight angle to the shaft .
9 The timing control allows your heating to come on up to six times a day , with each time set at a different temperature .
10 A stocky figure with a heavy serge coat and a ‘ lum ’ hat set at a jaunty angle , turned to his two companions .
11 He was wearing an elderly white linen jacket and a blue spotted bow-tie , so that , given a boater hat set at a jaunty angle , he might indeed have looked like the late Max Beerbohm .
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