Example sentences of "[noun sg] gave i a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Being involved as a competitor , administrator , and coach gave me a unique insight into the world of top international sport .
2 When I was twelve , and I got baptized , erm a lady gave me a little text and it was from Joshua chapter one and it was verse nine and it says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be terrified , do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go and that 's a verse that I 've been able to remember and to thank God for on so many different occasions all through my training as a doctor and it 's , all the promises in the bible are absolutely true and you can rely on them because it 's not a book written by men but it 's a book written by God .
3 A kind choirman gave me a threepenny bit , so my total spending money for the day amounted to tenpence .
4 I was still nursing my Freddieland injuries , and the way she was looking at me with her unflinching gaze gave me a queasy feeling I 'd only narrowly avoided providing lunch .
5 The cop gave me a hard look and moved off .
6 The employee behind the check in desk gave me a huge smile and welcomed me to the airport , gave me my seat reservation card and wished me a good journey .
7 I 'll admit that hearing about that sermon gave me a cowardly frisson of fear .
8 Mama gave me a big hug .
9 To my surprise , the singer gave me a friendly nod before throwing his head back and tackling the last verses .
10 One agent in North 's employ remembered being over at CIA headquarters one day when a call came in to him from North , ‘ and everybody in the room gave me a dirty look . ’
11 His wife gave me a rough idea of what their insurance situation was .
12 In a third shop I was moderately interested in one particular model until the assistant gave me a global price for a computer , printer and so on .
13 The colonel gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder , and we made for the outside world again .
14 Raising a hand to put an end to these blows the woman gave me a warm smile .
15 I was able to follow up that evening , for my father gave me a lovely chrysanthemum bloom from his greenhouse and the next day I took it to her home and asked her mother , who opened the door to my rather nervous knock , if she would give it to her daughter .
16 For years I tried to paint around grasses and tried masking fluid ; however neither approach gave me a satisfactory result .
18 I thought , in my anxious state , that the orderly gave me a funny look as he left me there .
19 Training in the choir gave me a fine knowledge of the Psalms , though I must say that none of us choir boys looked forward to the fifteenth evening of the month when the set psalm had no less than seventy-three verses .
20 My brother Ifor gave me a beautiful bicycle — hub-braked and dynamoed , a thing of beauty and a joy for a couple or three years .
21 He said : ‘ The board gave me a free hand with the retained list and backed me all the way .
22 The fellow gave me a world-weary look and shook his head .
23 I remember being unable to connect those grainy breasts and pubic hair with anything in my own life — flesh , for instance — but the image gave me a mysterious frisson which I mistakenly took for sex .
24 Leaping off the bed I hurtled up to the rod which by now was screaming off and picking it up I felt the line pluck nicely through my fingers ; knowing that it must be a cat on the other end gave me a real thrill .
25 ‘ The sharp blade gave me a close shave in one go , but I also cut myself twice .
26 We got a few laughs and the local press gave me a good write-up , and the church warden came to me and he said to me ‘ Frank , you should be an actor , ’ and I thought God had spoken because in those days , he was representing God as far as I was concerned … .
27 As I sat down the man on my left gave me a brief nod .
28 Hearing that man made me glad I was 64 , which fact gave me a sporting chance of dying a natural death before the inevitable holocaust .
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