Example sentences of "[noun sg] began [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dust from the tailings pond began to blow over the countryside again in 1985 , starting on 10 February , a Sunday .
2 The hairs on the back of his neck began to rise with the blast of primitive hatred which had rushed through the air .
3 They were running through thickly forested country , and tension began to mount in the car .
4 Provincial market towns , in 1922 as throughout the Soviet period , collected the first rural tide of those looking for work — peasant vagrants , demobilized soldiers , and in the case of the Smolensk area , flax-workers out of a job as their industry began to decline after the boom of the war years .
5 The whole of the prom was in shadow now and a chill , blustery wind began to riffle through the litter in the gutters .
6 As the wind began to rise outside the palm house , Halema told the story of Aisha 's deafness .
7 So I nodded and smiled and agreed , while part of my mind began to toy with the question of whether Balbazian steel was as impregnable as its well-advertised reputation insisted .
8 The Tory vote began to seem like the Cheshire Cat that Alice came across in her travels .
9 And she still remembered how , as the car began to climb into the lake land hills , she had seen her first mountain — a sharp blue crag that , outlined against the sky , had made her sit up and stare .
10 since the car began to roll off the line .
11 But then a peculiar light began to creep down the steps , mostly blocked by Adam , but searching , sharp , pricking Ruth like needles .
12 Each gentle breath was exquisitely hushed in these still hours as the light began to glimmer over the arch of heaven , ‘ mid the cloud-wreaths , over the mountains , and on the wide expanse of ocean — ahead , astern , and on either side of us , as we sped towards Lewis .
13 Towards the end , as the stage show of The King And I moved triumphantly from city to city , Rock began to feel like the boy who could see the emperor had no clothes .
14 From then on , Matilda was a welcome visitor to The Red House every single evening after school , and a very close friendship began to develop between the teacher and the small child .
15 He stopped and the snow began to drift over the toes of his boots .
16 Then blood began to splatter on the glass from Pearce 's open mouth .
17 Guido was laughing , as the little boat began to scud across the waves again .
18 In November 1902 , a great spine or pillar of solidified lava began to rise above the crater of the Etang Sec , forced upwards by the pressure of the magma below .
19 His poetry began to appear in the Marlburian in 1912 , influenced by John Masefield [ q.v. ] and by the Wiltshire downs , with their irresistible evocation of the past .
20 Scattered cheers answered him , big Mary gave a ‘ Heeuggh ! ’ like a dancer , and the whole throng began to move along the road westwards , past the dark silent façade of the inn , the equally silent church and manse , towards the gates of Castle Menzies .
21 As the sun began to set behind the Qutab Minar , I made up my mind to explore sometime soon what was once the most enormous complex of fortifications in all Islam .
22 A tiny weeny hint of a plan began to tinkle at the back of my brain like a triangle at the back of an orchestra .
23 Since the machine began to move towards the water as soon as they were inside , changing in its damp , smelly and retracted confines was none too easy , despite the lure of their newly acquired bathing costumes .
24 In April a restlessness seemed to come into the air as the village began to throw off the lethargy of winter .
25 The car 's powerful engine began to tick in the silence as it cooled in the mild evening breeze .
26 By the early sixteenth century , however , the figure of arrears dropped ; as a rising population began to press on the means of subsistence , the lord had a more powerful weapon to hand .
27 As the Navigator nudged Tormentum Malorum slowly nearer to the indicated zone , using only attitude jets , for Jaq a strange intuition of security began to percolate through the dread engendered by hulk and warp alike .
28 Farming began to flourish in the Lothian plains once the bogs had been cleared and fords or bridges provided over the network of rivers and streams .
29 And so a sort of small welfare rights group began to form in the dayroom .
30 Held , dismissing the appeal , that it was implicit in the Housing Act 1957 that a local authority must serve a demand for expenses before bringing an action to recover them under section 10(3) ; but that the requirement to serve such a demand before taking action was a mere procedural step which was not part of the cause of action and that , save as expressly provided by section 10(4) for summary proceedings , the period of limitation began to run from the completion of the works ; and that , accordingly , the action was statute-barred ( post , pp. 126F–G , 129E — 130B ) .
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