Example sentences of "[noun sg] looking [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You children were excited on the journey to Gibraltar and kept running from side to side of the boat looking out for the small destroyers that were guarding the convoy .
2 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
3 The scientific observer conceives of himself as a rational mind looking out through a plate-glass window on to an inaccessible " nature " .
4 He looked round at her , standing beside him in the corridor bar looking out at the stupid countryside .
5 It was an open window looking out onto the wind-rippled waters of the Tigris and across to the Al Jumhuriyah and Al Ahrar bridges and over to the tower blocks of the foreign-money hotels .
6 The kitchen was bigger than he had supposed ; it had a stone floor with a large square of matting , an open grate and a tiny window looking out on the rising ground of the headland .
7 Or again late at night as I stood shivering at my bedroom window looking out on the frosted garden , unable to sleep and unable to understand why .
8 for more than 50 years ICI acrylic materials — sheet and mooulding powders — have been used and enjoyed worldwide , Ken Barrlett reports on a business looking forward to the next 50 years .
9 The two men made their way silently along the roof , until they were seated on either side of the skylight looking down into the deserted corridor below .
10 I was back in the dealing room looking vacantly into an empty conduit when Patterson emerged from the end office and escorted a guy to the lobby .
11 Robyn lay on her back looking up at the cloudless sky .
12 KENNETH BAKER 'S brave vision of Agincourt is each day looking more like an avant-garde film version of the Little Big Horn .
13 A passenger looking out of the right-hand window of the carriage after the train for Bishop 's Castle had clattered over the pointwork away from the Shrewsbury and Hereford joint line , to curve westwards into the Onny valley , would have seen a small timber platform marking the site of a temporary station that became a permanent feature .
14 Gastropods of this type are characterized by strong ribs produced into spines , a long aperture , and relatively low spire looking rather like a Mayan pyramid .
15 The next day , some well-planted flowers and a nippy little spider that jumped quite considerable chasms to get to where it wanted to go showed me that juice was still to be had for Life and , quite soon after , I found bits of myself on a train looking out at the curious modern mixture of silver birch trees growing on slag heaps .
16 But I thought , sitting there on the side of my bed looking out over the trash-filled street with the sound of the trucks grinding and roaring down the thoroughfare , that He must be something like the sun rising out of the ocean on a cloudless day .
17 Set on the main coast road , the hotel is just 10 yards from its own private sandy beach , with bar and waiter service , and has a wonderful shady patio garden looking out onto the pedestrianised heart of the historical centre of Laigueglia .
18 Peter O'Toole 's happiest hour as the Soho scribe looking back on a mis-spent life .
19 The others , grouped around him , stood in silence looking down at the stricken man .
20 I awoke to see a German N.C.O. with a ginger moustache looking curiously round the open door of my cell .
21 Five minutes later they stood on the grassy bank looking down at the brown water .
22 I stand up there in the pulpit every Sunday mornin' looking down at the upturned faces searchin' for yours , but in vain .
23 He saw the attachment to the Middle East by Britain as ‘ sentimental ’ , and wanted to redefine Britain as the easterly extension of a strategic area based in the USA , rather than a power looking eastwards through the Mediterranean to India and beyond .
24 She walked one last time down the rickety boardwalk in front of the cabins , and stood for a long time looking down at the sleeping lodge , the moody lake beyond it .
25 There was a rustic seat on an area of crazy paving looking out towards the neat lawns .
26 I sat for an hour in my roomette looking out at the unvarying scenery and trying to imagine anything else that Filmer might have paid to have done .
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