Example sentences of "[noun sg] to go on [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the policy review will be endorsed by the conference , giving Neil Kinnock the freedom to go on to the offensive against the Conservatives in the run-up to the next general election , there are a number of areas of potential conflict .
2 Well erm David said that he did n't think the strike would have gone on or they would n't have the heart to go on without the women ?
3 It then accepted a new structure in which a minimum standard of English and arithmetic qualified a child to go on to an intelligence test to measure its ‘ capacity ’ .
4 No need to go on about the band in this preamble .
5 This phenomenon , which we call ‘ cognitive trial-and-error ’ , requires a deductive process to go on inside the mind of the animal without its actually trying different behaviours .
6 THE first thing to go on to the canvas was a sketch in grey wax crayon , which mixes happily with the oils , whereas graphite would turn to gritty soot .
7 From Seathwaite follow the access road to Long House Farm ( 1 mile ) but bypass the farm to go on to the Walna Scar Road ( actually a bridleway ) .
8 Does that mean that there is now a waiting list to go on to the waiting list ?
9 In 1899 , supported by the outbreak of the Boer War and the boom which followed , the situation looked more promising and Wilson made an effort to go on to the offensive , addressing a circular to leading shipowners asking for a conference to consider four points : a uniform rate of wages for vessels engaged in similar trades ; the supply of articles of agreement some time before men actually signed on ; the establishment of a manning scale , and the improvement of the provisioning of merchant vessels .
10 At Holy Trinity , Brompton , all four priests are Old Etonians , one of the churchwardens is a former private secretary of Margaret Thatcher 's , and it is not unknown for members of the congregation to go on to a wedding reception in St James 's Palace .
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