Example sentences of "[noun sg] to go [prep] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Only to take every opportunity to go to the school and get to know it as well as you can , I think , erm and do n't be afraid to ask questions .
2 And she has a hundred and forty and he 's gotten of cans for the his mum and Stewart 's been getting some cans for the shop for his granddad and I 've been asking for permission to go into the dump and get some for there .
3 And erm my used to tell me about er when they were serving their time , all the apprentices used to clump their work on a Monday afternoon to go to the panopticon And at that particular time , they had turns on and if they did n't like them they pelted them with tomatoes and oranges and they had a big hook for for pulling them off the stage .
4 Macintosh System 7 : You get in the car to go to the store and the car drives you to the church .
5 That is , they will move forward far enough to collect a loop of yarn ( if we were knitting ) , but not far enough for a stitch to go behind the latch and knit .
6 When Dr Maxwell came along a little later , I asked him about it , and although he pooh-poohed it a bit and said it was all a lot of nonsense , I did get him to admit it could n't do me any actual harm to go to the classes and do exercises .
7 He is not the type to go to the pub and just pick someone up .
8 This study found that intermittent buzzing reminded the child to go to the lavatory and so avoided wetting in 68 per cent , but in the group when the buzzer was related to actual wetting there was a bigger improvement rate of 80 per cent .
9 Oh I think so because it must be an awful shock for the girl to go round the screen and they 're faced with a coloured although they do n't bother so much these days do they ?
10 These include pounding head , dry mouth , stiff face muscles , sweaty palms , tension in the neck and shoulders , a desire to go to the lavatory and the feeling that sitting calmly is a great strain and you would rather be pacing up and down the room .
11 It has been argued by Mancur Olson ( 1965 ) that there is often no incentive to go to the expense and trouble of joining a group , especially when the group is large , because it may make no difference to that particular individual .
12 In both these cases the old plates made the necessary points , and there was no need to go to the trouble and expense of getting new ones .
13 Marie had arrived and she was watching openly , making no move to go into the house and get on with her job .
14 ‘ It will be your job to go to the kitchen and get the jug and fill it with water and put it on the table here with a clean empty glass just before the lesson starts . ’
15 She wants to run through them all and then you 've got to fill in a piece of paper on which three pieces you 'd like to do , and al you know , she wants the cheque and full details of what name to go on the certificate and that sort of thing .
16 ( It had been the practice for the climber to go to the top and give the fox a spin , but in 1984 the committee got cold feet when it found they might not be fully insured for the climber and a separate insurance would cost too much .
17 They buy a cot , a changing table , a convertible buggy/pram , a baby seat to go in the back of the car , a changing mat , a night-light , a sterilizing unit , five large bottles plus teats , five small bottles plus teats , five baby-grows ( newborn size ) , three undervests ( newborn size ) , three pairs of socks ( newborn size ) , a mobile with four fluffy ducks dancing around a clockwork mechanism that plays the Brahms Lullaby , a wallpaper frieze with chickens on it which Paul has to put up in the nursery , a van-sized packet of newborn nappies , a tub of cream to put on the kid 's bottom , a bucket of white emulsion to freshen up the nursery walls , a lampshade with more chickens on it to brighten up the nursery light , a parasol to go on the buggy and a breast pump for expressing milk .
18 Make a latticed frame to go over the fire and put the trout on it or otherwise hang them over the smoke , and if possible cover it all with branches of more leaves to keep the smoke inside .
19 As you knit , the needles that are selected to tuck move forward of the needlebed far enough to collect the yarn , but not far enough for the stitch on the needle to go behind the latch and knit off .
20 This ensures that each learner has a chance in class to go through the handout and study it .
21 He almost certainly had a pearl fedora to go with the image and brown and white two-tone shoes , if he 'd been wearing any .
22 ‘ Give me time to go to the ruins and look for a sign of Harry . ’
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