Example sentences of "[noun sg] at a particular time [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We can notice , too , that the deictic aspect of the definite referring expression the sun ( the definite article being a deictic term ) is contextually ambiguous — I could use it homophorically ( the sun , generally ) or deictically ( the sun at a particular time and place ) .
2 Programmes are booked in advance for a particular room at a particular time and are then " broadcast " into that room as prearranged .
3 There remains the more fundamental question of why it should befall a particular person at a particular time and place .
4 To argue over the logic or truth of an idea in absolute terms is to explore the nature of belief itself , but for an historian of ideas what is most interesting is ‘ who held a particular belief at a particular time and what needs it fulfilled for them .
5 On the other hand , a photograph can not be generalized or simplified to bring out the important diagnostic features of a species ; it must be always of an individual at a particular time and place .
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